The Hunting thread!

Took a big bull moose today at 25 yards one shot with my Mathews and five steps later he's doing the O'l drunk dance and over he goes into 6"of chilly water. I took off three days at the end of bow season for moose and I get a 43" bull an hour into it my biggest to date. I also got luck last Sunday when I took my boy out grouse hunting we run into a red/brown colour phase black bear that's going to make a beautiful wall rug and pepperoni. I'll figure out my photo issue soon.
My bear measured 5-1/2' but an amazing looking boar. My bull is a beauty as well and its my biggest ever. I'm having myself a season that's for sure.


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Man - you're going to need a diesel powered grinder for all the sausage and ground meat from all those critters. Great season, congrats.:clap:
Outdoor Dream Foundation

Kendall got her first chance at a deer yesterday, it was a nice buck, but buck fever got the best of here and she missed. Had a great day regardless. She did get to dispatch a gotor

it was all on the grounds of Whitehall Plantation near Walterburo SC

all the kids for the hunt

Tool kalum out last Sunday for a whitetail hunt. It was a beautiful foggy day down along the river see lots of does and fawns. As we came into another field we spotted three bucks feeding and sparing together. A short stock put us within two hundred yards. A double lung shot from the .243 put him down in under fifty yards there was a little ground shrinkage due to the fog but still a very respectable buck from around here.


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Monster Canadian moose

On of my coworkers killed a giant moose with his bow a few weeks ago. I thought I’d share it with you all as it is a truly impressive representation of a big bull moose and more so with archery tackle. It scores mid 190’s and has a 60” spread.


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Sorry the picture never went with the last one


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NJ whitetail

My brother got this one with new crossbow. ( they allow them now)
This was the smaller of 3 that were hanging together for weeks. He figured take the shot 'cause the others might already be hit by cars....


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Holy cow, that’s some bull! It must have been a little tense for your coworker until he went down.

I think the only tension for him was that a five year quest to arrow a big bull moose was over. Norm is Alberta’s provincial archery champion the last few years running. He can consistently hit a target over 100 yards me not so much lol.
My brother got this one with new crossbow. ( they allow them now)
This was the smaller of 3 that were hanging together for weeks. He figured take the shot 'cause the others might already be hit by cars....

Nice buck my dad is looking at a crossbow now he’s in surgery right now to repair a torn bicep.
My 9 year old grandson with his first deer.
Shot with my 300AAC.


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It does my heart good to see you guys and your kids/grand kids getting started hunting and fishing. My dad did his best but it wasn’t much and I didn’t get my son going early - we’re working together now to correct that.

The poor guy planned a bow elk hunt and ended up on the couch, sick as a dog for his entire vacation and I’ve been laid up with the worst cold I can remember for a couple of weeks. But tonight we spent some time in the shop installing a new scope on my rifle. We’ve got a good one for his rifle as soon as he comes up with the right rings.

Hopefully this year or next, we’ll have something to post.