The Hunting thread!

Those are some sharp looking ducks and a nice bag of em what kind are they?

The Elk hunting never panned out as planned I missed a few of them only to find my scope mounts were loose and was shooting all over the place $&@%. Im getting rid of the leupolds and putting on tallies this spring. I went from head shot dad to can't hit shat. With the warm January were having the elk never showed up in the numbers like they should have not an excuse but wiered its +9c here today should be at least -20c.

Those are all wood ducks......

I hear ya on the scope. I shot the other week to find out I wasnt even on paper at 100yrds!!! 30 clicks left and 30 clicks down we were back on +-1" @ 200yrds. I still think someone screwed with my rifle for it to be off that much w/o dropping it....

Look into DNZ(dead nutz) mounts. Its a one-peice aluminum base and I and others have been very pleased with em......
Well done on the Woodies, people that dont hunt them or see them fly have no idea what an accomplishment a bag like that is. They are FAST, squirrely and hard to hit. There is a pile of them that fly over me every morning in a stand on our gas line and I need to have a shoot one day. We have a swamp they roost in and they come over LOW out of that swamp. I keep saying Im going to and never do.
Yea my buddy hunts regularly in ARK and says if you get good on Woodies in SE Georgia you'll be the best in the group anywhere else you hunt. I learned alot huntin them this year, I just gotta work on gettin em outta the air a little better......simple right???
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Went hunting for the bulls-eye doing some target practice. I know it ain't hunting but it put a smile on my face.

To all: Keep up the good work, I really enjoy your posts in this thread

Stink, your a brave soul, you are going to have to go to sleep at some point and well, snip snip with some scissors Lorena Bobbitt style.. Have a good vaca, sounds peaceful and I am jealous.
Hoyt Charger

Didn't see a Hoyt bow mentioned in the thread. My son's been shooting one of these and is trying to talk me into going in with him on it. I've been thinking about doing some bow shooting and out here in Oregon, the bow season is way longer than rifle season. Anyone have any experience with a Hoyt Charger?
Three years ago I was looking at the Charger and the Spyder (aluminum riser) and I was much more impressed with the Spyder. It was smoother and quieter at the time. Over the past 5 years most of my hunting buddies have made the switch over to Hoyt because of the quality of the product.

I was lucky enough to be demolishing a house at the time and was able to salvage enough scrap brass & copper to pay for the bow.
Well, my son bought the bow and he likes it so far. I haven't shot it yet but am looking forward to it. Thanks engstrom for your comments.
Yahoo!! My brother and I got drawn for a bull moose this year. It's my favorite critter to hunt and call in.
It's on August 25th is the start of our bow season. I got my helium all diled in tipped with 100gr rage slip cams. The moose hunt starts soon :deer:


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Just started my 2015 hunting season. I've been out for bull moose my brother and I both got drawn in a zone with some biggies around. Almost had one yesterday it was in at 30 yards no shot presented. Just like they always do he only stopped with a tree blocking his vitials. I have the rest of the week off to bag one hope to report back with some game photos. Here's one of the country I hunted today.


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Got er done!!!!!! Got this nice young bull at 25 yards 100 grain rage slip cam through the ribs. He made it a whole 30 yards before tipping over in one of the niceest setting I've had the privilege of witnessing. Now to get the smoker and sausage stuffer working.


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Was out last Friday with my brother and son for a grouse/moose hunt we got a Ruffled grouse and 2 1/2 year 30" bull moose. Among a hand full of mistakes he made the biggest was stopping brode side at 25 yards and having a 100 grain muzzy slice through a lung and the top end of the heart. It was a nice clean kill with a thirty yard recovery.


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You are one lucky dog to live in such beautiful country with an abundance of game. Congrats, looks like a good eatin' critter - not too old and tough.
Kalum and I were out putting the sneak on a nice whitetail buck Sunday morning. I was getting set up for a shot when I noticed this guy thinking the something I was about the deer. Do the deer got a free pass on the day and Mr.wolfy didn't


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