Trump supporters be careful what you wish for

Destroyer hahahahha your latest tact

But no comment from you to Step referring to me as a moron ?
Thats funny too ! Yes it is !!
Already gave up your righteous pursuit of web site kindness hu
Sooooo funny as you vacillate from various tacts while I remain firmly committed to facts and the truth.

As to feeling sorry for me well sir FACT is I along with the majority of Americans SAVED YOU
and our country from Trump who by the way may be headed to prison for tax fraud.
Of course he should be sent to our Super Max Prison Colorado for treason.
Sounds like you need to turn the news off and walk outside to take a look around at whats going on, greene.
Hey bgreene I was thinking and came to this conclusion If you own a V20 and are on this site and I know you gave some valuable info on repairs so you must be a good guy, your political views are not mine but we are on the same page with boats and I am sure your a ok guy . You should go outside to your boat and play with it ( clean it,wash it ,start it ) .
Hey bgreene I was thinking and came to this conclusion If you own a V20 and are on this site and I know you gave some valuable info on repairs so you must be a good guy, your political views are not mine but we are on the same page with boats and I am sure your a ok guy . You should go outside to your boat and play with it ( clean it,wash it ,start it ) .

Love when people tell me what I should do …
So after calling me an idiot and a moron youve now decided I must be a good guy.
Fascinating . Ill alert the media.
V21 by the way.
You have some serious problems .V21 nice.

Oh now youre doctor steppie too hahaha funny

We alllll have a few problems through life.
Live is much like the weather............
Storms come and go
Some storms may be real bad
Sometimes there are longer stretches of nice weather.
If one is fortunate, a bad storm wont wipe you out, but sometimes it happens and sometimes just bad luck.

Life comes with no guarantees. Want a guarantee, buy a toaster.
Hey greeny you and the idiots that think like you are destroying our country, but you will see the light very soon.

MAJORITY Steppie we the MAJORITY that voted the scoundrel out while you and the MINORITY of uninformed were saved by us.

Back to name calling hu. Hahahaha seems you dont know who you are or want to be.

Now regarding your comment that Im ruining our country well lets see:
Ive worked since about age 15, worked my way through college, have a good job, provide
for my family, dont gamble, dont smoke, never arrested, pay my taxes, save, paid off my house, never really been sick so limited health care, and I buy my toys, cars with cash.
I can also most humbly share that Ive helped a few people for which I received written words of gratitude from strangers.

So if thats ruination of our country yeh ok thats me.
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Destroyer hahahahha your latest tact

But no comment from you to Step referring to me as a moron ?
Thats funny too ! Yes it is !!
Already gave up your righteous pursuit of web site kindness hu
Sooooo funny as you vacillate from various tacts while I remain firmly committed to facts and the truth.

As to feeling sorry for me well sir FACT is I along with the majority of Americans SAVED YOU
and our country from Trump who by the way may be headed to prison for tax fraud.
Of course he should be sent to our Super Max Prison Colorado for treason.

Well F**K.... this site did it to me again. I wrote out a (rather) long reply to you but I see that for some reason it didn't post.

First, I cannot speak for everyone on this site. I'm not an admin, so if I ask them to be nice and they still call you an idiot or stupid or an imbecile or a moron or whatever I cannot stop them. I stand fast in my request for them to be nice but that's their call and you cannot fault me for what other people say.

I haven't changed my request and have not vacillated so I guess that you owe me an apology. (Not that I expect to get one)

When I said I felt sorry for you that was sincere. I do. You seem like a nice guy for the most part, except that you seem to have gone off the deep end when it comes to you're hatred for President Trump. Really, I don't blame you entirely for that. The far left controlled media has fed you nothing but lies, spin, and misinformation or they have just not reported anything good about President Trump for just over 5 years now. As I've said before, you've been brainwashed and the hallmark of a successful brainwashing is that the victim (You and half the country) doesn't even know it. So yes, I feel sorry for you. Hitler did the same thing and brainwashed an entire nation.

You keep saying that you just post facts, but you never really do. You have dismissed everything I've asked you about and instead keep telling us how bad and what a traitor President Trump is, but even there, you are just posting your opinion with no real facts to back it up. Nothing that will stand up in court. And I might point out that in a court of law, opinions are useless.

Biden is in the White House so, to the majority of Americans, he won the election. But there is so much evidence of misconduct and fraud in the elections that I doubt the real truth will ever be known.

For instance, do you even know that the voting machines from Dominion have a sub-routine written into their program that makes votes be counted on a weighted system? The routine is (supposedly) there for testing reasons, but it can be turned on or off by a simple command. Impossible to trace. So, for instance, for ever vote cast one candidate will receive 85% of a vote and the other candidate will receive 115%. So, depending on how it's set up, a vote for President Trump could have counted as .85 votes and a vote for Biden could have counted as 1.15 votes. Put another way, that means that for 100 votes actually cast for Trump, it would have only registered as 85 votes, and for every 100 votes cast for Biden it would have registered as 115 votes. Now, of course, it's impossible to prove that the weighted sub-routine was running when the votes were being counted without actually doing a manual vote count. But isn't it funny how hard the Democrats are fighting to prevent those recounts? Wouldn't you think that they would be the first ones to want to prove the legitimacy of the election? Yet for some strange reason they are the ones fighting the recounts. Doesn't that make you wonder?

By the way, those same Dominion voting machines were used in the elections in Venezuela where most of the people say they voted for the other candidate but the dictator somehow still got reelected.

Lastly, if you think you and some other Americans saved me, then thank you. Thank you for the $1.00 more per gallon of gas I'm now paying. Thank you for making America no longer energy independent. Thank you for allowing the Russians to complete their gas line to Germany, thereby making them dependent on the Russians. Thank you for the almost 6% rise in inflation making my dollar only worth $.84 cents. Thank you for the 9+ MILLION more Americans that are now unemployed. Thank you for the doubling of people on unemployment. Thank you for the almost 1 million illegal immigrants that have invaded our country since Biden took office and the almost 150,000 a month that are continuing to do so. Thank you for the crime in the streets that has doubled or more in almost every major city. There are so many more things I could thank you for, but that should sufice for now.
Destroyer good grief Charlie Brown your post a masterpiece of scrambled eggs.
All mixed up with bias and conspiracy .

Its not the length of post that matters its the accuracy.
Ill stick with real facts from real news sources not drudge, brightbart or wherever you pull your nonsense .

As for the x President trump watch him turn on all of his remaining loyal and closest employees as the indictments close in.
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Destroyer good grief Charlie Brown your post a masterpiece of scrambled eggs.
All mixed up with bias and conspiracy .

Its not the length of post that matters its the accuracy.
Ill stick with real facts from real news sources not drudge, brightbart or wherever you pull your nonsense .

As for the x President trump watch him turn on all of his remaining loyal and closest employees as the indictments close in.

LOL If you "really" cannot understand my post that explains a lot about why you support Biden and what you think of President Trump. But I suspect that you understood everything I said and are just to scared to respond to any of it. There was nothing mixed up or scrambled. Every paragraph touched on a particular subject. I'd ask other people here if they understood it, but of course you would just fluff it off as their being biased.

And of course, like usual, you just completely ignored all the points I made about gas prices, unemployment, inflation, etc. I'll give you this, you are a
master at dodging things you cannot or don't want to explain. No wonder you're a Democrat
Afraid, master dodger bla bla bla.
Boring are your comments about me, as you know nothing of the man I am. I suggest you drop off the character judgments.

Yes Trump ultimately put himself above our law of Democracy and his no matter what it takes
effort to stay immune to prosecution under the protective umbrella of being President a crime against our nation.

His very deep character flaws his un doing. Blame belongs squarely his own. Donald is his own worst enemy not the American majority that said enough. What he could have been not what he is.

Regarding accurate FACTS on Trumps horrible environmental policies heres a REAL REPORT
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Afraid, master dodger bla bla bla.
Boring are your comments about me, as you know nothing of the man I am. I suggest you drop off the character judgments.

Yes Trump ultimately put himself above our law of Democracy and his no matter what it takes
effort to stay immune to prosecution under the protective umbrella of being President a crime against our nation.

His very deep character flaws his un doing. Blame belongs squarely his own. Donald is his own worst enemy not the American majority that said enough. What he could have been not what he is.

Regarding accurate FACTS on Trumps horrible environmental policies heres a REAL REPORT

Although I disagree with you about me judging your character, I'll make you a deal. You stop with your character judgments about President Trump and I'll stop mine about you. Deal?
Although I disagree with you about me judging your character, I'll make you a deal. You stop with your character judgments about President Trump and I'll stop mine about you. Deal?

Not even a consideration. Guess need to remind you AGAIN this is the political forum and I write based on real events and facts .
Example Trump told the thugs to fight like hell . Fight like hell against our government, against the outcome of our fair election, and therefore against our democracy .

Trump loyalists such as Hannity will try to help trump re write the history .
America is better than this. We are NOT a dictatorship where this is typical and those that speak the truth vilified .

Trump is a traitor to our great nation and belongs in prison .
Not even a consideration. Guess need to remind you AGAIN this is the political forum and I write based on real events and facts .
Example Trump told the thugs to fight like hell . Fight like hell against our government, against the outcome of our fair election, and therefore against our democracy .

Trump loyalists such as Hannity will try to help trump re write the history .
America is better than this. We are NOT a dictatorship where this is typical and those that speak the truth vilified .

Trump is a traitor to our great nation and belongs in prison .[/QUOTE

LOL I didn't think so. So no deal, so don't EVER complain again about me if in your mind I judge your character. You had your chance.

May I point out to you that I'm fighting like hell, right this very second, pointing out to you your flawed opinion of President Trump and his many noteworthy accomplishments? Fighting like hell can be viewed many different ways. Yes, I fight against the election, because I think it was rigged. I can't prove it but that doesn't make me a traitor or someone opposed to our Country. It make me a patriot for standing up for what I believe is right. Just because you don't agree does NOT give you the right to say I'm wrong, nor does it give you the right to say President Trump is wrong.
Rigged election is a lie as the votes were:
1. Counted and re counted
2. Court cases brought zero evidence and throw out
3. Our Trump appointed Supreme Court members agreed

Trump was a one term president whos character flaws make him a danger to our nation.
Ours were not recounted. Our gov said they will not do it. Our lut. gov said we are not allowed to say it was not a fair election. Guess free speech isnt allowed. I have a very close friend that helped out the rep party calling people that went to vote and were told they already voted. So was this a fair election? I wasnt even asked for ID when i voted.

Im out, see u in a little over 3 years if we are still allowed to speak. Not calling you any names but i will put bgreene in the catagory with the other 4 people I know that voted for joe and the %oe. since this is a family site u can figure it out.
I voted for someone that supports the right to bear arms, supports our military, has a backbone to stand up against other countries, is against the burning and rioting going on in our big citiesand wasnt in it just for the money for him and his drug addict son who should be in jail.
Osteps and you voted for a man with malignant narssistic personality disorder who put his interests over our country and whos still trying to re write history .

And now a few Republicans are trying to create another big lie with claims the attack on our Capitol was friendly or our FBI was involved. They learned to just make things up from trump .
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Osteps and you voted for a man with malignant narssistic personality disorder who put his interests over our country and whos still trying to re write history .

And now a few Republicans are trying to create another big lie with claims the attack on our Capitol was friendly or our FBI was involved. They learned to just make things up from trump .

Instead of just rejecting the statement offhand, why don't you actually try to investigate it Greenie? Maybe you'll learn something. After all, it's not like the FBI hasn't been used before against Democrat enemies. Obama did it, Kennedy did it, Johnson did it. Even J. Edgar Hoover himself did it. The FBI used to be the quintessential law investigative agency in the United States. Now they are nothing but the American version of the KGB.

(As an aside, I see you're still practicing medicine without a license, diagnosing President Trump) :you: