Trump supporters be careful what you wish for

They want the border open. All of them in the clown debates before the election said they wanted it. Remember the kids in cages?
Now we let them in, give them free healthcare, free food and a place to live. Oh wait, we should change the voting laws, that no one really checks for anyway to the new and improved laws. Like no Id when u vote, but you might get carded when you buy a bottle of windshield washer fluid? Pretty easy to figure out whats happening for some people.
Nope DESTROYER I just keep repeating the same TRUTH and FACTS about Trump the liar, con man traitor .

So youre no longer on the be polite thing ?
You made a big thing of that previously and another poster was insulting .
Quick go chase that down and keep your word !!!

Hahaha so funny the way you dance from one attitude to the next.
Me Ive been consistent since the start .

Really? Exactly where in my previous post did you think I wasn't being polite? I "could" have called you all kinds of names like dumb, stupid, ignorant, or as some others here that called you an idiot. I "could" have used all kinds of negative words like those to describe your political views, but I didn't. In point of fact I think I've been very polite to you. I've said none of those things.

Meanwhile I see that once again you have conveniently ignored the facts I posted in order to attack me personally. You know, the ones about the over 5% increase in inflation, illegal border crossings doubled, a million immigrants every 6 months flooding our Country, Inflation already doubled since Biden became impostor-in-chief, unemployed doubled from 3.5 to 6.1% since March of last year, only 144.3 million Americans now employed, down from 154.5 million a year ago.. Little things like that.

Oh, one final thing... the cages you alluded to that they kept kids in at the border?.... They were installed there by Trump's predecessor, Obama. Funny I haven't heard you yelling about how could Obama do such a thing.

You say you've been consistent from the start and I totally agree with you. That's why I've twice said you are like a broken record. You know, where a vinyl record skips a grove and keeps repeating the same thing over and over and over and over. You're very good at it. Very consistent.

So go ahead now. Tell me again how bad Trump is, what a traitor he is and how I've somehow insulted you. I'll wait.
Destroyer you completely missed the boat on your rush to respond.

It wasnt you who was throwing the insults which I guess you accidentally didnt notice .Big oooops so much for applying your watch dog to all.

Right wing fake news spins it all in Trumps favor which I guess where you pull your comments .

Fake as in Trumps election fraud nonsense.
I know many grown men and women unfortunately have such fragile egos that they cant handle the truths about Trump.
Trump lost the election Trump wanted mob to attack our Capitol and Vice President . Trump the traitor to our nation.
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Destroyer you completely missed the boat on your rush to respond.

It wasnt you who was throwing the insults which I guess you accidentally didnt notice .Big oooops so much for applying your watch dog to all.

Right wing fake news spins it all in Trumps favor which I guess where you pull your comments .

Fake as in Trumps election fraud nonsense.
I know many grown men and women unfortunately have such fragile egos that they cant handle the truths about Trump.
Trump lost the election Trump wanted mob to attack our Capitol and Vice President . Trump the traitor to our nation.

You know what? After re-reading your post, you're right. I did miss the boat on the insult thing. While it sounded like you were talking about me I can see where you were only commenting about other peoples comments.

My apologies. Lets try and keep it polite people. There's no need for name calling.

But I see you're STILL avoiding the subjects I posted. Are you going to respond to them or just ignore them? Just curious.
Destroyer … refer to Joe Biden as imposter in chief so ill ignore the rest of your data.

President Joe Biden beat Donald Trump .

When I heard on news that our Secret Service had initiated its protective protocols when Biden was confirmed the winner, I was so proud .
Proud that our democracy was still working.
Proud that our people with this responsibility responded in support of our systems
Proud that our great American freedom still intact.

The traitor con man Trump isnt done lying cheating and trying to destroy America for his own power grab but Ill do my part to support the FACTS and TRUTHS over his BS.
Destroyer … refer to Joe Biden as imposter in chief so ill ignore the rest of your data.

LOL That's your biggest cop out yet. I see, so you think that you can just ignore all data about Biden's miserable first 120 days in office by saying I called him a name? :you:
Destroyer ahhhh nope if you delegitimize Joe Bidens rightful position as President of the United States then the rest of what you post is also nonsense.
Yes sir Biden beat trump and Harris is the best VP ever . Do you love the high gas prices yet? I hope you have oil heat. Trump was putting America first what was he thinking.
Yes sir Biden beat trump and Harris is the best VP ever . Do you love the high gas prices yet? I hope you have oil heat. Trump was putting America first what was he thinking.

Almost but wrong Steppie
Trumps short term sugar high tax cuts greatly increased our national debt.
Global economic rebound , demand, and Covid related production reduction causing global inflation. From housing to wood, steel, you name it.

Trump put Trump first always ..America second as it benefited Trump .
Trump the dictator loving traitor .

Being a traitor to our nation eclipses all .
Its unfortunate that Trump is what he is and has malignant narsisitic personality disorder.
He knows how to sell but what he says too often mixed with BS

Those that FACT CHECK know better while those who buy his BS dont.
Destroyer ahhhh nope if you delegitimize Joe Bidens rightful position as President of the United States then the rest of what you post is also nonsense.

Nonsense. You can't ignore what is actually happening just because you don't like what I call Biden. And calling Biden the impostor in chief is his rightful title. You can't be so ignorant as to think that he's not being told what to do and what to say by his billionaire far left masters. Come on, you have more sense than that.
A. Im not ignorant
B. President Joe Biden is running the ship
C. All that puppet conspiracy nonsense is for people who dont follow real news facts and cant handle the truth.

President Joe Biden isnt as smooth a talker as the lying traitor Trump .
Joe Biden overcame a speech impediment.

I and the majority of Americans saw through Trumps talents as a con man and chose the better man for our country.
Nice not hearing Trump spin blame and insult every day as was during his tenure.

And lets not leave out the smart talented hard working teacher First Lady Jill Biden.
Suggest you research Jill Bidens actual work for America rather than your interest in conspiracy nonsense .
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I can’t believe you guys are still arguing with this guy. He’s a liberal. You know, it’s easier to fool a liberal than to convince him he’s been fooled. They don’t understand truth or logic and they want to put America last. Let the guy think what he wants. You’ll never change his little mind.
Have a great day, everybody!
I can’t believe you guys are still arguing with this guy. He’s a liberal. You know, it’s easier to fool a liberal than to convince him he’s been fooled. They don’t understand truth or logic and they want to put America last. Let the guy think what he wants. You’ll never change his little mind.
Have a great day, everybody!

Charlie ……its neither liberal or conservative to respect and follow FACTS and TRUTH.
Guys like you who ask others to tell them what people have accomplished are the danger.

Danger to our democracy and to our country . The uninformed who believe what sounds good rather than factual . Ive voted Dem and Rep in my life for the best choice not blind follower.

Extreme left and extreme right bad neither of which is Biden Harris if you take time to do a little homework from real sources. Start with fact finder if youre not too lazy.
Bgreene your not a idiot your a moron How can you possibly like Biden? The election was stolen Harris is a disgrace and your Joe is on another planet, gawking and little children , saying a little girl looks 19 He should have been locked up. Would you want that pervert watching your little girl? I wouldn't.
Charlie you are right, you can't win with this guy. I'm out.

Step FACT IS you cant even respect this web site after being asked repeatedly to knock off the petty name calling insults.
Not that I really care hahaha just shows you cant handle the truth.

No wonder youre a Trump supporter.

Winning by lying and cheating not the goal . Right vs Wrong. Democracy vs Tyranny.
Talking inappropriate ? You mean Trump and his pall Jeffrey Epsteins get aways with under aged girls .
Or Trump the elleged rapist who claims he never met the woman but the DNA on her dress may say otherwise.

Drain the swamp yes we did by voting Trump OUT.
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Step FACT IS you cant even respect this web site after being asked repeatedly to knock off the petty name calling insults.
Not that I really care hahaha just shows you cant handle the truth.

No wonder youre a Trump supporter.

Winning by lying and cheating not the goal . Right vs Wrong. Democracy vs Tyranny.
Talking inappropriate ? You mean Trump and his pall Jeffrey Epsteins get aways with under aged girls .
Or Trump the elleged rapist who claims he never met the woman but the DNA on her dress may say otherwise.

Drain the swamp yes we did by voting Trump OUT.

Ummm.... I think you've got your facts scrambled Greenie. it was Bill Clinton whose DNA was found on Monica's dress. It was Bill Clinton who was friends with Jeff Epstein and flew in his private jet to Epstein's private sex island 27 times. It was Bill Clinton that lied to the American public on National TV and said he "never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky". It was Bill Clinton that was accused by 7 different women of rape while he was Governor of Arkansas. It was Bill Clinton that was successfully indicted for lying to Congress.

President Trump BANNED Epstein from all his clubs 20+ years before he was president when he found out what he (Epstein) was doing. He was never friends with him.

And you still haven't answered any of my questions about the rising gas prices, inflation, unemployment, illegal aliens, border security, etc. Are you just afraid to admit that Trump did a much better job than Biden is doing, or are you just hoping that sometime in the future Biden will be replaced by Harris?
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I can’t believe you guys are still arguing with this guy. He’s a liberal. You know, it’s easier to fool a liberal than to convince him he’s been fooled. They don’t understand truth or logic and they want to put America last. Let the guy think what he wants. You’ll never change his little mind.
Have a great day, everybody!

Charlie, it's fun to rattle his chain. We all know what his answer is going to be (Trump traitor, Orange man bad, FACTS, [which never are] etc.) Don't misunderstand me. I like him. He's a nice guy that has just gone horribly wrong in his political thinking. Like millions of others, he's misguided because of all the propaganda that he's been brainwashed into believing by the far left media. I feel sorry for him really. Hopefully some day he'll realize what a fool he was to follow the lying Democrat party that only want's to take his money and control his life.