Nope DESTROYER I just keep repeating the same TRUTH and FACTS about Trump the liar, con man traitor .
So youre no longer on the be polite thing ?
You made a big thing of that previously and another poster was insulting .
Quick go chase that down and keep your word !!!
Hahaha so funny the way you dance from one attitude to the next.
Me Ive been consistent since the start .
Really? Exactly where in my previous post did you think I wasn't being polite? I "could" have called you all kinds of names like dumb, stupid, ignorant, or as some others here that called you an idiot. I "could" have used all kinds of negative words like those to describe your political views, but I didn't. In point of fact I think I've been very polite to you. I've said none of those things.
Meanwhile I see that once again you have conveniently ignored the facts I posted in order to attack me personally. You know, the ones about the over 5% increase in inflation, illegal border crossings doubled, a million immigrants every 6 months flooding our Country, Inflation already doubled since Biden became impostor-in-chief, unemployed doubled from 3.5 to 6.1% since March of last year, only 144.3 million Americans now employed, down from 154.5 million a year ago.. Little things like that.
Oh, one final thing... the cages you alluded to that they kept kids in at the border?.... They were installed there by Trump's predecessor, Obama. Funny I haven't heard you yelling about how could Obama do such a thing.
You say you've been consistent from the start and I totally agree with you. That's why I've twice said you are like a broken record. You know, where a vinyl record skips a grove and keeps repeating the same thing over and over and over and over. You're very good at it. Very consistent.
So go ahead now. Tell me again how bad Trump is, what a traitor he is and how I've somehow insulted you. I'll wait.