prop survey

Wish I was closer :'( I can be there in 3 hours - but that leaves me peeing in a cup ;D and eatin a pack of nabs ;D
14 1/2x19 on a 200hp oceanrunner at about 56-5800rpm.  I cant' remember exactly on the rpm but thats ballpark.  GPS has top speed at 49.7 kts.  She clips along pretty good.  As does my fuel tank.
Also, that was with the top down, < qtr. tank fuel, running w/tide, breeze, etc...
Hope that helps
O yeah, Alum prop.
Offshore...49mph...Man you bookin'!! ;D 8)...appears you definately got the RIGHT prop!

Are the others w/200s gettin' that kinda top-end?...
Thanks, I thinked she's wheeled right.  She really gets up and out of the hole. I'm still working on the mpg, think its about 1.3.  
14 1/2 x 21 alum.  165 hp 4.3 litre v6 I/O .it does 37 mph @ wot 5000 rpm which I never do. I cruise at 4000-4200 rpm 30 mph. It is tough tho to get under 3 mph for troll. Need buckets. Haven't figured the mpg's but it's not too thirsty.
Skools Out said:
best thing i use is 20 oz drink bottles. i use a little extra oil since extra doesn't hurt the motor. i use one 20 oz bottle to every 5 gallons of gas.

50 to 1 ratio is 8 ounces per 6 gallons, are you using 20 ounces per 5 gallons? that is less than 25 to 1, that seems really rich. Or am I miscalculating, I always remeber using a pint can of oil for a 6 gallons tank of gas as per manufacturers reccomendations for 50-1. Please correct me if I am wrong??????????
When I was pre-mixin', I used an ''Accu-Mix'' bottle...lines on side of bottle tell EXACTLY how much oil to add for the gallons of gas you just put in...there are some other brand names that look and do the same...$3.99 ;)
Im running a 1997 mercury 225 offshore with arapture 14 1/4 x 19, it gives me 53.3 mph at 5800 rpm, oh by the way, my boat is a 1995 v21
15"X21 alum. 4000 rpm, 42 mph on gps, may have been against wind with top up and 30 gals of fuel and 3 people on board oh yeah, its a 260 hp I/O
hmmm i took her out for the first time yesturday with my new prop 15x17 and she ran goood
top speed was about 32mph no slippage and the tach was about 5700
but how come you guys get moor speed than me
try i need to paint the bottom but maybe i would pick up what 2 mph more
Paint is going to slow you down!!

When under way, trim the motor up to achive best speed!!
I can go from 30 to 38 just buy lifting the motor, just becareful , the goal is to get it up with the least amout of resitance, but to make sure your still in the water, if you come up to high you will hear the motor rev!

My best with a 175 hp is 40 but I am alone, with a light load!
Most of the time full boat I go around 30 and top at 36 like you.

Goes real nice slow like 28 or so!!
MJ's right as usual..paints SLOWS a boat by adding resistance to the flow goin' under the hull...

W/my 150 WOT(6000 rpms) and trimmed to max(and still bitin') GPS shows 42 and cruisin' about 32... ;)