prop survey

best thing i use is 20 oz drink bottles. i use a little extra oil since extra doesn't hurt the motor. i use one 20 oz bottle to every 5 gallons of gas.
Yeah, Skool, I hear ya on the coke bottle...but the mixin' bottles have a WIDE mouth (no need for a funnel) and for just 4 bucks you get it just right... ;D...
threw on a new prop today. The boat came with a 15 1/2 x15,which works just fine. I got outta da hole real nice,cruise about 29-30 mph at 3900, WOT about 36-37 at 5200. I was really going for a spare prop so I stayed w/ a stock 3 blade aluminium 15x17. Little change outta the hole, picked up a little speed on the cruise and a little bit on the top end...RPMs stayed nearly the same on both [I thought they'd drop a bit] All in all, the 15x17 is now my prop,the 15 1/2 x15 is the spare.P.S. while taking my test run I got into HUGH schools of bluefish chasing peanut bunker,the water was completely boiling w/fish. All 2,3,4lbs. its fun ,but, after the 20th release I have had enough.Not my favorite quarry but they fight like mad.
Hey, Phester...the blues sound like a LOTTA FUN!!... ;D...

Toppin' out at 5200 rpms...can't remember what motor you got, but sounds like there's probably more rpms to be had... ;)...
I've never gotten that motor to 5500,which is my redline. Yesterday on my test run I was alone w/ about5/8 tank of fuel. I think I do have a little slack in my throttle cable, and also previous owner mounted the fishfinder directly in front of the throttle,so to get WOT I have to dismount the f.f. I don't run it WOT often so it's not to much of a nuisance.Also , had it trimmed out pretty far..could probably go a bit more on the trim but I've always been a bit cautious in the MAX trim MAX rpm mode...know whatta mean ? [pussy]
yeah I'm a wuss, I get maybe one more MPH out of her I just dont like running it at redline. If there was 3-4 MPH left to gain, in that absent 300 RPM, you bet your a$$ I'd be going for it!
Stop the baby stuff!! Move that controller and put the hammer down!!
She can take it!! I do mine every now and again!! Will blow all that carbon out!! Just do it!!!!!!!!