Lookin' like the Bennett M120 with EIC control

I've been talkin' way too much about my boat prep.......... but now I'm at 99% done and maybe ..... Sunday, I'll go for a ride on the Del River to test it all out.

And take some pics.
Easter on the water, sounds like fun. Play with the tabs some to get used to them. For instance, my 20 doesn't react well to much tab at cruising speed. If overzealous it is easy to plow the nose and wet the passengers. Also test with the tabs down for planning faster. Partial tab seems to help there but full tab down is a crazy looking mess of water being thrown up everywhere. LOL... Enjoy and don't forget the pics.
Easter on the water, sounds like fun. Play with the tabs some to get used to them. For instance, my 20 doesn't react well to much tab at cruising speed. If overzealous it is easy to plow the nose and wet the passengers. Also test with the tabs down for planning faster. Partial tab seems to help there but full tab down is a crazy looking mess of water being thrown up everywhere. LOL... Enjoy and don't forget the pics.

Purpose of installing the tabs as you'd expect is to reduce the pounding when running in a 2-3' chop. Tabs worked well on my previous Mako CC so I'm hopeful to experience the same with the V. Got me wondering regarding comment about plowing and wet ride.

I know these boats have the reputation for plowing when running with the seas, so tabs up in that situation. We'll see. I'm mostly an ocean fisherman so lots of different sea conditions experienced. If I ultimately don't like the ride...... I'll get boat # 5..... maybe a 23 SeaCraft Septre....
I am sure it will be just fine. Just use them sparingly until you get accustomed to the difference in ride is all I was suggesting. I like your choice for boat #5. Hope the V rides out to your expectations cause it is really a nice find.
For instance, my 20 doesn't react well to much tab at cruising speed. If overzealous it is easy to plow the nose and wet the passengers.

Yeah Bennett...you gotta remember, Vic's "cruising speed" is what many of the rest of us is approaching light speed...and he's inna CC instead of your Cuddy...it'll pin yer EARS back...:sun:
After the water pump replacement, next day - today testing before fishing, electronics and trim tabs not getting power.

Battery seemed possibly low, so put in a new, 660CCA, still nothing.

Flashlight panel wiring check in the cuddy finally saw the issues and corrected.
Now all working and ready to go. Never surprised.
Tabs worked out fine - definitely more impactful on the ride characteristic than my previous Mako.......

Good to have overall, better off with than without.