Hammer's transom Rebuild

LOL, I been looking for a few. To much out of the budget. Going back down for more sanding. Unless somebody wants to buy the windshield. If I sold the windshield, I would sell the remaining parts.
I'm so confused. :-/
This is all I got done today. To damm hot out. :(

I don't know if Stinks tank will fit in a 78 ??? Thats the first shot I have seen of the entire floor and I can see that the hatch over the gas tank is a lot smaller than the cover on my 79. Stinks project was a 79 also.
The tank fits only under half the cover.
The front half is open space,
that is going to be MY new anchor storage when I am done.
The tank continues back past the end of the cover and reaches to
the two floor openings at the rear.

I have a picture, but it is on my other computer,
if I get a chance, I will post it tonight.
My cover runs the full length and width of the tank. I can't imagine trying to dig the foam out around a tank thats covered half way by the floor. I guess you have to cut the floor ??? I have removed 2 tanks from V-20's and its a tough job even with full access to the tank.
Here are the pics I promised.

Here is teh way my tank is set up:


Here is the area that I will be making into anchor storage:


By the way HAMMER, if you want to go take a look,
the cover is off right now,
I have it here at home making repairs.

Just tell the office I gave you permission to visit site 816A.
Thanks Parishht. Guess I found myself a new fuel tank. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I'm still uncertain what to do with this V. :-/
With my luck if I dont part it out and stick it on E-Bay with a new Transom, nobody might not buy it.
Wanna make a few bucks to pay for the other other custom dive platform on my V.
It might be parted out next week or have a new transom in it. I just dont know. :-/ :-/ :-/ :-/
You have gone this far and have it ready to go, you have done the real hard stuff, I say keep going!!

Then sell and have $$$ for swim platform and also able to rent a few super modles for a weekend or two for your V ;D
Thanks for the support MJ. I was down at the boat yard doing some begging and all, a group of guys are glassing over a 45 ft. wooden boat They just gave me big pieces of matting for free. So this helps big time. ;D
Here's some of the thick free cloth that I got yesturday. I can get it by the bag full. Just need to do a little more begging for some West System. Going price for West System is $117.00 per gallon for resin and Hardner.

West isn't the only epoxy, check and see what the boatyard is using for epoxy? They may be using all poly though?

Either way, keep up the good work. You have to finish now, cause I wanna see how you piece the splashwell back in ;D
The guys have a 50 gallon drum of West System. Hmm.
Walked into the bait shop this morning and seen the going prices of West System.  :-/ Trying to make this as much as a free V as possible.  ;D

Dredding the splashwell. Gonna have to do some fine work to hide the seem. That might mean painting the whole boat. Allgrip is big time pricey as well. :o
Hammer, West is OK but there are better epoxys out there for 1/2 to 2/3 the price. Give me your email address and I will hook you up with a better "no blush" epoxy for about $50 delivered to your house.
been on duty here wasn't even able to go with my buddy to pick up his new ride. I'll be getting pics tomorrow and posting asap. I swear this boat is half barried in the dirt. My wife is going to s234 a brick when I come home with it.