I used a pivoting anchor roller. Worked great. Kept anchor ready at all times. Could drop & retrieve standing in the cuddy
Highly recommend.
I did eventually install a deck pipe straight into the "anchor locker"
@skunkboat , would you mind sharing where you put the the deck pipe?
I boat alone a lot, or with in experienced help, so I like the idea of being able to deploy and retrieve from the cockpit, or at least standing in the cuddy... it's easier... I'm still at (or closer to) the helm, and it's safer, especially if the seas aren't dead-calm.
That's lead me to think that I want a deck pipe on the fore deck on the port side of the opening for the cabin, near the windshield, with a pop-up cleat in front of it... that way I can open the windshield, and then release or retrieve the anchor easily.
I'd put a laundry basket under the deck pipe to gather and hold the anchor rope and chain. I've also purchased a pin and device that I'll call a chain lock (I don't know the correct name) that you can use to secure the chain as well.
Just looking to learn from the experience of others before I start making holes all over the fore deck!
I'm thinking that a deck pipe close to the anchor roller in the bow wouldn't be very good, because someone would have to go up onto the foredeck to deploy or retrieve the anchor.
Even when I'm not alone, at times I'm anchoring where it can be dangerous, like near rocks on the edges of channels by Falmouth or the Buzzards Bay in Mass.... these areas have very strong currents, so
I feel safer keeping everyone safely inside the cockpit. (in fact... No ONE gets to pee over the side of my boat when we're at sea. Pee into a "lil-john' bottle, pee on the splash deck, or even go to the stern and pee on the deck (I've got a raw water washdown hose). I don't want ANYONE leaning far enough over the side for them to clear the gunnel.... the currents are too strong, and an unforeseen wake from a big commercial boat such as a ferry, could rock the boat and put someone in the drink! It's just not worth the risk, and a far too dangerous to try to rescue someone out of those conditions (although, obviously I *would*, and also call for help if I have *any* difficulty. -- sorry for the off-topic rant! Just sharing. Safety is #1 priority. It's easy to wash-away piss, but it sucks if a person gets washed away!)