What’s President Biden been doing - a lot

Welcome to Joe Biden's America:

And then there are those who knowingly mislead.

"First-ever female four-star admiral?" Newsflash: He's a guy.


Approaching peak insanity?

Richard got her job because of what it thinks it is. It was our health secretary in pa for our king(gov) wolf. They put covid + elderly in nursing homes like the new york gov did and killed them along with others. But they are dem so we dont look into it. Its ok they killed grandma. Im sure bgreen will agree.
Supposedly reuniting them with family members...... v1

and they disappear into the woodwork, 80% of them not reporting for immigration proceedings as required by the Notice To Report given to them before they were released into the population.

By the way, what's their vaccination status? Biden is in favor of discharging police officers and emergency responders if they don't comply with vaccine mandates. But illegal immigrants...?

Yeah, Biden's been "doing a lot."
You can't make this stuff up.

The White House's Gender Equity Plan devotes pages to ending "gender-based violence," but it also explicitly calls for ending cash bail for criminals.

That makes about as much sense as Joe's recurring tale about his many miles aboard Amtrak trains. :train:

Care to "fact check" that?
Sure you turn to silliness because you refuse to help protect and defend our democracy.
Trump lost the election — that’s a fact.
It’s not my fault or your fault that trumps turned out to be a lying cheating con man traitor to America .

It’s a shame compared to what he could have been — but isn’t.
So you have to decide support dictator wanna be and all that means to our history and future - or not.
Trump talks a great game blaming blaming and blaming but he’s a lying cheating traitor .
^^^ When you refuse to acknowledge the s__t show that the current President's administration is up to because you're consumed with hatred for the former.

Wait, did you just say that the White House's Gender Equity Plan is "silliness?"