What’s President Biden been doing - a lot

No everyone ***8230; be a REAL PATRIOT and follow the facts . Dont let people like Pipe Dreamer
try to hide the TRUTH***8230;***8230;.because he can***8217;t handle the truth.

Just like Hunters laptop has clearly shown, the ENTIRE Biden family (Sons, brothers) (wives?) has been SELLING access to Biden for DECADES. This is just another corrupt family member jumping onto the Biden gravy train. The really sad thing is there are people (Our own BGreene for example) that are either too blind, too brainwashed or too dumb to see it. All they can see is "Orange man bad". Talk about being hoodwinked.....
Destroyer - correct I do see orange man bad because he’s a lying cheating con man traitor to our nation.

But it’s based on the facts of his own words .
I base my opinions on facts and the truths.
Based on your postings you base your position based mostly on nonsensical conspiracy theories such as the election fraud nonsense claim .

Trump to jail 2022 ! Because he belongs there by his own doings.
Just like Hunters laptop has clearly shown, the ENTIRE Biden family (Sons, brothers) (wives?) has been SELLING access to Biden for DECADES. This is just another corrupt family member jumping onto the Biden gravy train.

It's truly amazing how people willingly look past "public servants" who enrich themselves with graft, like that lying cheating con man traitor Joe Biden.
Pipe …..hahahaaha

Plagiarizing my true comment about Trump.
Just as Melania plagiarized Michele Obama’s speech that she said she wrote herself. Ooops
Cancelled pipe line was NOT FOR US anyway Destroyer .

It was CANADIAN project to run to our gulf and sell the product overseas.

Gee wizzz how many Americans knew this ??
Many assumed it was for us and to lower our gas station fuel prices.

FACTS matter
OUr gas prices were low at that time. Im pretty sure it would have helped our economy. stopped by a couple refineries along the way. Did it not produce any american jobs? Next time you see a dually with a custom made bed with a welder and a bunch of stuff on it, tell that guy it wasnt for us. Let me know what happens.
Cancelled pipe line was NOT FOR US anyway Destroyer .

It was CANADIAN project to run to our gulf and sell the product overseas.

Gee wizzz how many Americans knew this ??
Many assumed it was for us and to lower our gas station fuel prices.

FACTS matter

Hmmm.... I talk about Biden's plagiarism and you suddenly talk about the pipeline. I think you're a little scrambled there again Greenie.
But since you brought up the subject, Yes, I know that the Tar sand oil was not for us. BUT we were the ones refining it. WE were the ones getting the tax money for each state it crossed. WE were the ones building the pipeline. WE were the ones reaping lots of $$$$ rewards.

And while we're on the subject, you brought up "supply and demand" as an excuse for the dollar a gallon increase in gas prices since Biden took office. But you either ignored or don't know that supply and demand is only part of the picture. There's also that little thing called investors. You know.... Wall Street. As soon as Biden was declared the winner they started to get nervous. And once he took power and started cutting things like the pipeline they started pulling their money out. The result was a buck more per gallon in 6 months. So thank you very much Impostor in chief lying cheating con man traitor Joe Biden.
Ole Joe Bidens a better man that Trump on his best day .

And of Course Joe Biden won the election fair and square .
Same voting process as when trump won in 2016.

Except for all Hillarys faults she isnt the traitor as trump
The more things change the more they stay the same, particularly in politics. Just look at this news expose on lying cheating plagiarizing con man traitor Joe Biden from 1987. He didn't have an original thought then and he certainly doesn't now.




He plagiarized speeches from other politicians and lied about his degrees and education. Now add to the mix the signs of dementia that he exhibits and it's a worrisome situation for our country.
Weak stuff there pipe dreamer youre really reaching by referring to Bidens brief comments about his wife and his roots in PA

A joke to compare to the Putin loving dictator wanna be traitor to our nation former one term president Orange make up faced Donald Trump
Weak sauce there, bgreene. Biden's "brief comments about his wife and his roots in PA," as you put it, were lifted verbatim from a speech by Britain's then-Labor Party leader, Neil Kinnock, who was at the time campaigning for prime minister. When reporters dug deeper, it went from bad to worse. Biden didn’t just steal Kinnock’s political rhetoric, he appropriated his life story, including a coal mining grandfather. Kinnock’s Welsh grandfather actually DID work in the mines. Biden’s, although he lived in Pennsylvania coal country, sold cars. Biden would go on during his campaign to rip off lines almost directly from John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy. He also famously lied about his academic record. I'm so old that I remember that these events killed his chances at the nomination. It's all in the videos, which you can't refute.

President Joe Biden is a lying plagiarist career politician who rarely expresses an original thought, and you can't ignore that reality by constantly deflecting to Donald Trump, who is not the subject of this thread. But I know that won't stop you from trying, so carry on.
Speaking of what biden isnt doing. Trump is on hannity right now with the gov of texas talking about the border crisis. Guess joe is in bed. Kamala is trying to figure out where the border is.
Donald Trumps actually a topic of all these threads because hes trying to destroy American democracy with his BIG LIE about not losing the election.

Trumps been encouraging Americans to fight against each other since his days when he was campaigning telling his crowd to attack and beat people who disagreed with him and hed pay their legal fees.

Trumps a disgraceful traitor to our nation and belongs in prison .
You are confused again. That was kamala that was on tv telling everyone she donated money to bail out those "peacful protestors" that were killing people and burning down cities. She wanted everyone to donate too. Did you?
The dems come out and SAY to attack people that are republican. You spin trumps words and make yourself think that way. Remember facts matter?
You keep saying President Donald Trump is a traitor, what are you talking about? How is president Trump a traitor? Show me educate me, and Biden is good? Show me, tell me I want to know. With facts of course oh and oil is 76.00 a barrel and climbing .