Weak sauce there, bgreene. Biden's "brief comments about his wife and his roots in PA," as you put it, were lifted verbatim from a speech by Britain's then-Labor Party leader, Neil Kinnock, who was at the time campaigning for prime minister. When reporters dug deeper, it went from bad to worse. Biden didn’t just steal Kinnock’s political rhetoric, he appropriated his life story, including a coal mining grandfather. Kinnock’s Welsh grandfather actually DID work in the mines. Biden’s, although he lived in Pennsylvania coal country, sold cars. Biden would go on during his campaign to rip off lines almost directly from John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy. He also famously lied about his academic record. I'm so old that I remember that these events killed his chances at the nomination. It's all in the videos, which you can't refute.
President Joe Biden is a lying plagiarist career politician who rarely expresses an original thought, and you can't ignore that reality by constantly deflecting to Donald Trump, who is not the subject of this thread. But I know that won't stop you from trying, so carry on.