What’s President Biden been doing - a lot


Mumblin' stumblin' bumblin' pResident Joe Biden tried to comment on Florida’s new Parental Rights in Education law:

“There’s nothing conservative about deciding you’re going to throw Disney out of its present posture because Mickey Mouse? In fact, do you think we should be not be able to say, you know, ‘gay’? I mean, what’s going on here?”

What indeed, Joe.
More from MSB Joe Biden on earth day:

One of the things I found out as the President of the United States: I get to spend a lot of that money. I get to decide where — no, I’m not joking. And we’re going to completely — but before — we’re — I’m going to start the process where every vehicle in the United States military — every vehicle is going to be climate friendly. Every vehicle. We’re going to have — no, I mean it. We’re spending billions of dollars to do it.

In 1986, in the United States Senate, I introduced and we passed the first Global Climate Protection Act — the first time — and it was a warming legislation in the Senate.

Even more goodies in the official White House transcript:

To the Coasters "Along came Jones"...

Along came Joe
Tall thin Joe;
Slow walkin' Joe.
Slow talkin' Joe;
Along came stumblin, lyin' Joe.

Hmmm - silence from bgreene. Is that more of his hypocrisy - yup it is.

Oh, wait... They filed their tax returns already. I wonder if that 5.5 million dollars was on it? Could it be that Biden just forgot about it or maybe he was trying to defraud the government? Inquiring minds want to know.

Don't look now, but the Department of Homeland Security that has started its "Disinformation Governance Board" is the same Department of Homeland Security whose current Secretary spent this week lying repeatedly to Congress that our border is secure.

That Democrats think this is good and normal tells you all you need to know about them.