
Great! I'm glad the old PM's didn't make it. I had like almost 200 and was dreading deleting them one by one.

Great! I'm glad the old PM's didn't make it. I had like almost 200 and was dreading deleting them one by one.


Me too Blue the only thing iam sorry i lost was everyones cell phone numbers from when we all met at hammers house for v-20 party I had them all saved in my pm's:sandslead:
I added a post to C felton question on a canvas top and it got lost. I just posted again but the original had phone numbers and additional info.
As said before anything that was posted wed on the old board is gone forever sorry!!

As for PM's thats another sad loss for some.
All and all I think everything went well and we just had some small things that we will get over!
Great! I'm glad the old PM's didn't make it. I had like almost 200 and was dreading deleting them one by one.


I went in a few months back and wrote down all all the phone numbers I wanted to keep and hit the Delete All button and wiped it out ... I had over 200, too ...tried for a while doin' 'em one atta time and just too slow...
From Above...

Just a test to see if PBs workin' for me as good as it does for Slinger...


Yup...still doin' the if I could just get that signature thing workin' again...

Are you clicking the "Save Changes" (or something like that) button down at the bottom of the screen after you do your signature stuff? That was my problem the first couple of times.

Now I gotta try the PB thing.

I just added a picture to my signature and you have to click on the blue "insert picture" line next to the picture and then save it.
Nice work MJ!!

hey MJ - I gots a problem when I try to reply to a pm

"This forum requires that you wait 60 seconds between sending private messages. Please try again in 3095332776 seconds."

what's up with that? I don't have 98 years to wait until I can resend :)
You are the only one that has that problem?? No one else has said anything but the loss of some pm's which I warned about before we moved?

Well the next move will be much easier!! Its going to be to the new server, and aftyer all the crap we went thur trying to get a new server to do what we wanted we now have are own server ;)

Thats right, Vailant, Myself, and another that has a board are splitting the cost of are own, now we are in charge of all the settings and what we want to do.:D

That move should take place soon, Vailant is setting it up and when we are ready we out of here!

so there are 3 more phases left.

1 move to the new server

2 Update the gallery, I have decided to stay with Gallery software but just upgrade the software.

3 Make the site a little differnt then the box, that is we will be looking at colors and option, also a new header for the top the page, and maybe a Boat of the month were we highlight a different V20 from the gallery each month on the welcome page.

We are getting there slow but sure!:rolleyes:
MJ - Keep up the good work!! I'll see if I can find a solution to that problem . . . with my luck it probably involves deleting my account. Only a minor inconvenience . . . Just need to tell kamikaze that I have his Merc adapter plates w/ the rubber skirt and three bolts.