Got out yesterday. Plan was to try a last Seabass trip. Early morning there was a large fleet off the beach in Bay Head. Giant schools of bunker. Humpback feasting on them.
So we stopped in there and snagged a couple bunker and sent them out. No striper bites, nobody near us catching. So we moved on out to seabass spots.
( word at dock later was there was a good bite down in Seaside Park)
Tried a few spots out near Manasquan Ridge. Tiny seabass and plenty of spiny dogfish. Moved out to the Dave Moran wreck near Humpty...same.
Moved to Shark River reef. Three party boats were all on wrecks not rockpiles. So we anchored on the Martin. A slow pick of tiny seabass, nice porgies, bluefish, and spiny and smooth dogfish.
Looks like the big seabass are all far offshore already.
Tried the Arundo hoping to find Ling...nope!
I'm done. Maybe try stripers along beach Sunday morning and then get boat ready for the haulout next week.