New Power


Junior Member

I'm thinking of repowering my 88 V20. My 88 Yamaha 130 is getting on in years and I am just batting around the idea.
The marina down the street from me has a used lefty 2001 Yamaha 4 Stroke 115 selling for $5800. I'm sure they would knock some off the price for me. I can't decide if the 115 will push the big ole V20 that well though.
Does anyone here have a 115 outboard? What do you all think, I should mention that I am in no hurry, do most of my fishing within 5-6 miles of home port and with the price of fuel, smaller is definitely better.
All opinions are valued and again, thanks in advance.

- Tom
Stripminer...I would be worried about seriously under-powering a V-20 with a 115, particularly a new 4-stroke is takin' some getting used to...gotta give it more revs to match speed of old 2-stroker(note though, we are still propping this rig and haven't found the right one yet) biggest concern would be that a smaller motor will be working harder to get the performance you want...working harder to me means shorter engine life...I know $$$ are always an issue and $5800 is half what a new 150 will cost, but I'd just hate to see ya waste the 58...I don't think it's gonna do it for you...keep lookin' and IMHO think more horses, not less...
Thats what I was thinking. My old boss had a 115 and we all thought he was under powered. Wishful thinking on my part I guess.
Strip, I think Crusher has a 115. Not enuff. 150 is what ya want for a single ob.
I got a chance to ride in a pursuit 1950 bowrider recently with a yamaha 115hp four stroke. The boat is smaller and lighter that the v20 and it was dog slow. With two people in the boat one of us would have to run up to the front of the boat just to get the boat on a plane.

Don't do it . . . . The engine was running at 5000rpm to get 21, 22 mph.
Stripminer, Don,t do it MIN FOR THESE BOATS IS 150HP. I have a 89 115 HP Yamaha TOP speed is 23 to 26 mph at 5200 rpm, gas milage sucks because to high up into rpm range. Worst thing to have is a under powered boat, bought my rig at a good price and new it would be underpowered can't wait to repower! Crusher
Striperminer, Just went back a reread your post in the begining of the season I past up 2001 Yamaha HPDI 150 Hp for $5600 installed w controls. Wasn't sure I wanted the HPDI there were a lot of problems with the 200-250 HPDI motors. This was a brand new motor of a 23ft Hydrasports that the owner was not happy with speed of boat. Wait till after the boat shows this year there is usually a lot of people moving up or going to 4 strokes. Crusher
You guys are the best. I will wait, bide my time, work lots of OT and get a larger engine. I really would like a 4 stroke but no way am I buying a egg beater for a big boat. Thanks for the info !!
Strip, not sure why you want a four stroke. Do you have a particular reason in mind or just a case of four stroke fever??

If you have a good reason to want one, or lot's of extra money to spend -- then so far I am hearin good things about the new yammi 4 stroke 150.

On the other hand, if you are minding your budget or just want the best bang for your boating buck --
I believe that for the way you use your boat -- 10 to 15 mile round trips fishin Long Island Sound from a Connecticutt homeport -- you would be better served with a new 150 carbed 2 stroke, because you are not likely to put the hours/miles on a 4 stroke to recover the higher price with fuel savings. The money saved could be put to better use on a kicker or quality electronics (gps,ff,vhf or radar) or a nice tandem trailer for Cape Cod excursions to harass Macojoe. ;D
Oh, one more thing, Strip, if ya still have that original, rusty shift rod in your yami-- then ya should be in a hurry to upgrade.
I am hearing a surprising amount of good reports on Suzuki 4 strokes. A bunch of the people on the Fla Sportsman BBS realy rave on them. They cost less than the more well known brands and apparently hold up rather well. They also have a good warranty and service record.
Just food for thought!
AJ as I've written before here, I had a 40 HP Suzuki 2cy.  If the four stroke Suzuki is as good as my 40 then it will be a good buy.  

You're making a lot of sense, I was just thinking that it would be nice to have a quiet outboard that was easy on gas. I cant get the Suzuki 4S for about 10K. I really haven't researched the 2S market. Is there that big a difference in the price? How much would a new 2 Stroke run me ??

- Tom
Helluva lot better than 10 grand for a 140 4 stroke.

Strip, Given the current buzz about the new yami 4 stroke 150, and the hype about 4 strokes in general, I'll bet there are gonna be some nice fresh 150 carbed motors on the market for 3 TO 5 grand in the near future. :D
I'm still around guys. When I repowered my 86 a couple of years ago, I was real concerned about weight.
All the new motors were slightly heavier than the 200 merc that the boat came with. 150's were the same weight as the 200. A 4stroke would have had water coming in my cockpit. I went with the Yamaha 200 that was about 40 lbs heavier than the 86 merc.