Giorgio is now a Senior Member . Seems with further research, he had TWO profiles from 2007 and 2009 on the old system. Now he is only Giorgio with his old posts in place. Just needs to use his password reset with his Verizon email.
Gorgio - to reset your password, once logged in, click on your username in the top right. You should see "Password and security." Click on that and you will see where to change your password. Let us know if you have any trouble.
I sent G an email to his verizon to reset his pw. his old account with the gd will not work. Hopefully if he did not see the pw reset email he will read this post. I can try to send him a direct email.
Thanks to Rick and Dave, right now I'm in, but my problem is, logging back in. When ever I try to I can't, tells me no such person and wrong P/W. So Dave or Rick changed my P/W and them I was asked to log out and then back in, didn't work. To cut this short, Rick asked for permission to use my user name and P/W for him to try and log in. He replied back to me he did, for me yo log out and try it one more time. If I have a problem let him know, right now I didn't do it yet, I'm CHICKEN I will try a little later and THANKS for everyone's help with this disaster.