Hi AJC, How big is the surface area of the pond? how deep? some fisheries people like to limit stocking to species that grow well, LM Bass, bluegill, and Chanel Cat. Some fathead minnows and golden shiners will help feed the bass until the bluegills start reproducing well. but are expensive and not necessary. Bullheads crappie and perch grow slow and don't put on flesh like the first three. A pond is like a feed lot, put in the ones that will grow best. maybe an amur(grass carp) or 2 to help keep the weeds in check if necessary. If you put in nice size LM bass, chanel cats, just a 10-12 of each will get you started and may be enough. 2-3 dozen bluegills of all sizes for a start. In no time at all you will have a nice place to fish. If you can, let the weeds grow up around the pond edges, insects will live in the weeds and fall into the pond for fish food. Feed some small size cheap dog kibble from time to time.(protein) Some Christmas trees anchored to the bottom will provide a refuge for small fish. A pallet on the bottom in shallow 3-6 ft water will give minnows a place to breed(underside of boards) Your state fish and game dept and county agricultural extension office will have free printed material available that should be helpful. Good luck, TJ