learned one from a jersey transplant

we were squidding the other night and guy comes over to see what we're doing. got to talking and he's from the land of long pants. got tired of it and became a county emt. ask what we intend to do with the squid. i told him eat some and turn the others in to bait. he ask how do we cook them, i say "fry". he says "That's the trouble with you people, all you know is fry."

then he tells me how they stuff them with sausage and grill them.

i think why not and this is the result

man, where they good.

i take my hat off to our northern brothers when it comes to certain culinary skills
tried it again with some bigger squid, seemed a little tougher. the ones in the pic are 3-4 inches. also, brand of sausage makes a big difference.
had 6 left over, put some canned spaghetti sauce in the crock pot, jazzed it up a little and dropped the left overs in and cooked low for about 2 hours, then served over angel hair pasta.
definitely gonna add this to the recipe box
I getting hungry They are just starting to show very little, but soon! water was up to 48* today
I don't eat my bait. We put bait in the beer cooler once. Taste soaked into the can I think. It was bad.
Wow,Step, u dug this one out of the treasure chest,9 years ago. Our favorite place to go squiding was the city marinas under the street lights. Hurricane took out marinas and lights 6 years ago and still not rebuilt.

Now i got the squid bug

Oteps, that why they make such great bait, they taste so good. Kinds like using shrimp to catch speckled trout, i d much rather have fried shrimp.
Oteps, they're not my favorite either. They're great bait though. All my family loves them, shrimp and oysters are my favorite. They look good though.
My son was at the marina the other night scouting for squid. Said the were already in. I broke out the squid rods and found the box of jigs.

Maybe I can post some new pics soon