how to post pics

Spare, gorgeous photos - what camera? Dmoore, thanks buddy and good to see that beautiful vintage V20 again. Glad to see you guys are figuring it out. Scook let us know if you still need help. Now you guys remember how much we love pictures on this site so there should be no excuses going forward LOL!!! Everyone has to post at least a pic a week in order to avoid a user infraction. :ROFLMAO:

Interesting note, I posted the image above as a simple screenshot on my phone, you would think my phone is a 55" tv! displays huge on desktop, normal on mobile.
I’m beginning to figure out how to post pictures. Still a little confused, but Wow it’s easier than the old site ever was. Many thanks Blue and the tech genius 😃😎😇
Hey Scook, glad you figured it out and beautiful coho! The improvements in picture posting is one of the things I'm most excited about. Looking forward to posting more pics myself, and seeing everyone's else's adventures.