Hard top


New member
Anyone have any experience (good or bad) with removing the standard soft Bimini and installing heavier gauge stainless/aluminum canopy (something similar to “Disturbed” on this site) Looking at taking on this modification if I can get a good plan of action.
Ive got a good friend of mine that build T tops and hard tops down in Charleston. He's very experienced and has been doing it for a while. He used to build Tops for Freeman Boats before they brought it inhouse. the very first thing he will tell you, is watch your weight. You don't want anymore weight up high than you can get away with. Just a rough idea, most hard tops will run in the $5000-$10000 range installed. You may be able to find a buggy top that can be cut down to fit
I think it was a guy in Canada who posted a thread on an amazing aluminum pilot house he built. I don’t recall the thread title, but searching “Pilot House” might find it.