Hammer's transom Rebuild

Pretty work Hammer, but your gonna have to give it a rest, all them fiberglass particles are gonna give Lefty a rash!
Nice work Hammer. Very impressive. In fact, I think you deserve a brewski at Hooters just as soon as this weekend is over ;D

I've got some pics to post as soon as I get time to upload. Your gonna love these arial shots ;D
HOOTERS. ;D Where..when..maybe now. ;D

Parishht, the yard that the boat is at on on Pilottown Road. It's the road that goes along the canal. Follow that road towards the Coast Guard Station until you come to a dirt road road. Take the dirt back toward the shop. You cant miss the V. ;D
Did a little more today, not much. Cant seem to get much done when guys stop by see whats up. Added a second coat of primer and did a small patch repir to the splash well.


Some pic. HOing  ;D


Second coat of primer. Its ashame nobody will ever see it once the cap is back on.  :'(



Quick splashwell repair.


Yikes, came home and was yelled out by Lefty. Spending to much time on the V. Kids and family are coming down and teh house isnt cleaned. I might be getting grounded guys. :-/
it happens but you are doing a great job. I'm also in that boat of dividing time between wife kids and the boat, not to mention over worked at the station. Keep it you're doing great.
Kids are down this weekend, plus I'm working as well. So I dont see any work on the V getting done this weekend. :-/
Oh well, there's always next week. ;D
Hey HAMMY, I stopped over on Sunday and took a good look at your work,
really looks good.

What I really wanted to see was how much room there
is to replace what should be scuppers.
From what I see, to do mine, I would have to have rubber arms to
get up inside.
Parishht, I agree. not happy with the drain set up. Like you said, you gotta have rubber arms to get inside to replace teh hose. really no good places either to install access hatches either.
Going down today for more sanding before the cap goes on. I'll get up with Jim about your buddy's Rudey motor. ;)

Bradford, since it was my birthday, Lefty let me work on her transom. ;D
I'm out of teh dog house now. ;D
msbhammer said:
Not much work done today. More grinding and sanding. Removed the old battery tray. Hope to install a new one in teh morning. This did arrive today. ;D Hopefully one day it will be put on.  ;D

Where did you get those decales? I need some.
I got the same decals, they work great and look even better. Ebay, I think the seller's name is "taylorint" but not sure, just seach for wellcraft ;)