good morning

I see all but the last 9?? I have done a Virus Scan, cookies, temp files, defrag, refreshed the page everything, and still nothing on them last 9??
Hammer I picked up a poster for you at the performance racing trade show last weekend, you might not be into tunner cars but I know your into asian women, pm me with your address, I can't find it from when I sent the curtins, and I will send it to you, Happy Holidays!
Oh you ARE nuts Wind Talker, thats the word on the street anyhow ;D
The pics pop open for me so I don't know what to tell ya ???
I am telling you, I can see all pic's in all threads even this one but for some reason I can't see them??

O well me move on to some new ones!!


Brother Willy, can ya wrap one of those up for me for christmas! Mamma would think it was bad karma to refuse a gift!
