
Since I have done this and have used the boat for 4 years now, I can say this, at least in my experience.

After I converted the first thing I noticed is that it steers like a 23 footer now not a 20! Makes docking a little harder at first cause it, lets say, wheel base is now longer. There fore needing more room for your slow turns.

As for regular running it is better, it is quieter, you have more control on the tilt & trim, Just seems like it is smoother in general.

It just feels like a different boat!! the Bow comes up a bit more causing some slap in the slop. but with the added control of the trim I am able to get the bow down much better to cut them waves down.

Now mine was a I/O and I never did like the trimming on that leg? But you guys with a Seadrive may not notice anything? as far as trimming? because you are a outboard on bracket already?

Well any way I say the conversion in my case is about 75% better handling and performance then when it was I/O.

And with the 175 hp verses the 165 I/O I now can hit 40mph on a good day, curz low 30's
When it was a I/O straight 6 cyl, I toped out at 30mph and curz in the mid 20's

I never look back and 2nd guess weather I did the right thing!! Cause I know I did!!
Since I have done this and have used the boat for 4 years now, I can say this, at least in my experience.

After I converted the first thing I noticed is that it steers like a 23 footer now not a 20! Makes docking a little harder at first cause it, lets say, wheel base is now longer. There fore needing more room for your slow turns.

As for regular running it is better, it is quieter, you have more control on the tilt & trim, Just seems like it is smoother in general.

It just feels like a different boat!! the Bow comes up a bit more causing some slap in the slop. but with the added control of the trim I am able to get the bow down much better to cut them waves down.

Now mine was a I/O and I never did like the trimming on that leg? But you guys with a Seadrive may not notice anything? as far as trimming? because you are a outboard on bracket already?

Well any way I say the conversion in my case is about 75% better handling and performance then when it was I/O.

And with the 175 hp verses the 165 I/O I now can hit 40mph on a good day, curz low 30's
When it was a I/O straight 6 cyl, I toped out at 30mph and curz in the mid 20's

I never look back and 2nd guess weather I did the right thing!! Cause I know I did!!