Anyone ever fill in a notched transom?

I've been pondering something like this for a while, with the idea of a wood or starboard panel that would slide in and out easily. Primary reason being engine noise, not that I don't love the sound of my Yammi ;D but sometimes when out pleasure cruising it would be nice to not have to talk over the motor. When fishing or at the dock whatever I could remove it and stow it in the cuddy. It's food for thought . . .
If I do it I'll post pics. ;)
How do you guys get in & out of your boat?

Here on the Gulf Coast, the family & I do a bunch of island hopping & unless it's about 100 degrees my wife doesn't like getting her feet wet. That's one of the great things about the V20 I run to a beach with a fair dropoff, throw the bow anchor, pull it around & swing the stern nearshore. I have a dive bracket on the starboard side, and the previous owner (a diver) put a box that works like a step in the well. step, step, step & ther you are on shore, with dry feet.

That full transom you are describing would make that pretty difficult.

One other thing to remember is that a cut transom will only hold back half as much water if it does get in.

I've been nearly stern swamped in a few boats, most notibly a Boston Whaler, My V20 has seen 7 foot seas & as long as I'm making way the stern has stayed high & dry.

I understand the safety/security issue but for me it would remove one of the great benefits of this boat. If you stayed on the boat all day I guess I'd be all for it.

That's a compartment I found last year at a place called Budget Boats. It's kind of like a boat junk yard. I was on a quest to find a decent glove box to keep my wallet, keys and other stuff. This is what I found, it's got two drawers in it with thumb latches, used.......$100, very pricey. If I ever stop working these 12 hour days I'll snag some pics.

Also, I get my boat at the boat ramp and stay in it all day.
That's true garbubba. I spend almost every Sunday (with nice weather) out on the lake with my wife and kids. On those hot days they are all about getting in and out of the boat going swimming, island hopping etc. Shicks and Pipe, if we decide to do something like this, maybe we should put a hinged transom door to the side with the swim step. What do ya'll think? ???