This is exactly the premise that I've been talking about for years...the elected officials you and I vote for all belong to and are controlled by these global entities we never see. Democrat or Republican makes NO DIFFERENCE. Those two parties are nothing more than money funnels that spurt ideologies like Ford and Chevy spurt features on their cars. We live in a DEMOCRACY?...We live in a REPUBLIC?...HORSEBURGERS!...We live in a society ruled by money so big we can't even imagine, and we are legislated and regulated by people who are inside the control rooms of that money.
The one issue I have a problem with in that video is it holds Obama up as the bad guy...he's as dirty as the rest...but no DIRTIER than the rest...even that it only refers to presidents and leaves out Congress and even our Judicial Branches is selling the situation short...folks it's the whole damn bunch of 'em...and they don't give a damn about me and they don't give a damn about YOU.