Trim tabs


Trim Tabs : The single best addition to greatly improve your boats performance .

If you don’t have them on your V you’re missing out.

Bennett brand or Lenco doesn’t matter .

Once you have them you’ll be “ wowed “
Had them on the boat when I bought it. One shock rusted off last year so I removed them. Noticed no difference. Friend I bought boat from said the same when he installed them
Well …’re the ONLY person who I’ve known to claim no difference with tabs so I’m guessing :

1. You and friend boat on a pond with no waves
2. Didn’t know how to use them
3. Had maybe 500 lbs of ballast in cuddy.

I’m an ocean fisherman, had the V21 for maybe 8 years ( plus 4 other boats prior ) and I can ABSOLUTELY report :
A. Without tabs the V is a fair riding boat at best - and will pound away on 2’ seas or more.
B. With proper tabs and use, the cutting edge of bow kept down low enough to SLICE the waves, without pounding at cruise speed.

And….why do you think most fishing boats come equipped with trim tabs ?
Ok but whatever, maybe for you it was different
Never had them and see no need for them but I would think that it might improve the ride but not enough t to justify drilling holes in the transom.
Me? I see birds,fire her up and go they don’t help when drifting only driving. M6 baby is a great riding boat. @
1978 wellcraft V20. No need to improve my ride. Just one other thing to go bad.
Now before you reply. I feel. For some people sure they are good but for me? Don’t need it
Smart thanks .

Why do you think most fishing boats come equipped with tabs ?

Doesn’t matter to me if you don’t. Whatever - enjoy your boat without an outboard .
That’s would also surprise me but whatever
With out an outboard? What does that mean?
I seen a lot of fishing boats with out trim tabs. Maybe they are good for captains that dont know how to drive a boat.
I dont need 5hem or want them. But if you want 5hem. Get them
is this any different from the 30 other threads on exactly the same subject? From the same person? In before best engine for a V20?, how far out do you go with your v20?, worst sea conditions for you v20? ...
Well I for one can tell you they work well on my 21. Coming back from a speckled trout fish about 12 miles from launch site yesterday the wind had picked up and the tide was against it. The Chesapeake Bay was 2-3 ft chop. using the tabs to keep the nose down while finding the right speed to run they worked perfectly. No pounding & much smoother. This was heading into them. Of course in a following sea I wouldn't use them at all. I had Lenco's installed on the V20 I restored with the hardtop and I found myself using the tabs quite often, especially when the boat would list to one side due to a cross wind. I never installed them on my 1rst pristine 21 because I didn't want to drill any holes in the boat it was so nice. BUT, Begreen had already installed the Bennett's on this boat so all good. For the record I would have installed Lenco's but whatcha gonna do!

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