The Smartest Guy that Joe Biden Knows

is in the news again. Language/image/video is not safe for work (as with pretty much anything having to do with Hunter Biden).

Do the Russians have the goods on Hunter and Joe? That would certainly explain Joe's approval of the Nordstream pipeline and shutting down of the Keystone pipeline.

Just for fun, whenever you read an article about Hunter Biden, substitute "Donald Trump Jr." for "Hunter Biden" and sit back and imagine how CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post and the NY Times would be covering the story . . .
And the administration and "intelligence community" wonder why public confidence in them is low?

Who can forget CNN running interference for their boy, then candidate Biden?

"To me, this is just classic textbook Soviet Russian tradecraft at work," former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says as authorities are investigating if recently published emails are tied to a Russian disinformation effort targeting Biden.
More of your “ National Inquirer” conspiracy type sources pipe .

Biden beat trump in the election - NOT because Bidens so great but because the majority of Americans stopped trusting trump . For good reason as we learned after trump lost .
The majority of Americans were told by the complicit press corps that the Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation WEEKS before the election, and many Americans NEVER HEARD anything about the crackhead's laptop until after the election. A significant percentage of Biden voters have said that they would have changed their vote had they known of the story.

The press lied. YOUR favorite news sources lied and covered up for the Bidens. And you squawk your lines like a parrot.
The majority of Americans were told by the complicit press corps that the Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation WEEKS before the election, and many Americans NEVER HEARD anything about the crackhead's laptop until after the election. A significant percentage of Biden voters have said that they would have changed their vote had they known of the story.

The press lied. YOUR favorite news sources lied and covered up for the Bidens. And you squawk your lines like a parrot.

I actually do not squawk, nor do I curse on web sites
You typically seize on one word, which you may be able to technically disagree with but which is an accurate characterization of your posts, and completely avoid acknowledging the TRUTH and FACT that your “news” sources blatantly lied to protect Biden, so the voting public wouldn’t have accurate information when casting their votes. Not an excuse, a FACT.
You typically seize on one word, which you may be able to technically disagree with but which is an accurate characterization of your posts, and completely avoid acknowledging the TRUTH and FACT that your “news” sources blatantly lied to protect Biden, so the voting public wouldn’t have accurate information when casting their votes. Not an excuse, a FACT.

Wrong - just because you don’t “ like “ the news doesn’t mean it’s not correct.
The FACT that it’s not correct means that it’s not correct. It’s pretty well established, for example, that the Hunter Biden laptop is legitimate and the biased, far left sources you ascribe accuracy to, dishonestly ridiculed it and the dishonest social media suppressed (censored) the story to protect Biden.
If the laws broken it applies to Hunter .

When Trump breaks the law he uses his billions to lawyer up and delay indefinitely .
The Biden family did what the Trump family was accused of, and did it in spades, and the media happily ran cover for them.

While many aspects of Hunter Biden’s financial arrangement with CEFC China Energy have been previously reported and were included in a Republican-led Senate report from 2020, a Washington Post review confirmed many of the key details and found additional documents showing Biden family interactions with Chinese executives.

Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden. . .

[T]he new documents — which include a signed copy of a $1 million legal retainer, emails related to the wire transfers, and $3.8 million in consulting fees that are confirmed in new bank records and agreements signed by Hunter Biden — illustrate the ways in which his family profited from relationships built over Joe Biden’s decades in public service. . .

The contract, signed on Aug. 2, 2017, stated that Hunter Biden would get a one-time retainer of $500,000 and would then receive a monthly stipend of $100,000, with his uncle James Biden getting $65,000 a month. . .

The potential energy projects Hunter Biden discussed with CEFC never came to fruition.

"Public service" LOL

A few weeks after he went into business with the CEFC executives in the fall of 2017, Hunter Biden requested changes to the fifth-floor office space he was renting at the House of Sweden, an airy building in Georgetown that is home to the Swedish Embassy and other offices.

On Sept. 21, 2017, Hunter Biden wrote to a building manager requesting new office signage to reflect a new family enterprise and a new business relationship: “The Biden Foundation and Hudson West (CEFC- US),” he wrote in emails to the property manager.

He also requested keys for his new office mates: his father, Joe; his mother, Jill; his uncle James; and the Chinese executive, Gongwen Dong.

Biden Foundation? More like Biden slush fund.