Sequester/ Thunderbirds Grounded

After a show on or about March 22, the Thunderbirds will be grounded due to lack of funding. Military budget cuts will ground the T-birds indefinitely. Glad to be priviledged enough to see them perform a couple times a year for the past 10 years or so.
Real good start to cutting the fat. Think about it.
9 planes dozens of pilots and ground crew and they were doing all the shows for free? Honoring our veterans and fueling the dreams of the young men and women who might one day aspire to become a jet jockey. OR we could simple stop using government airlines to fly our government employees and Congress all over the planet unnecessarily. Including Obama and his vacations. But they won't give up those perks is my guess.. Don't try and find cost savings anywhere in the procurement department, we know there is no waste there, RIGHT??
I fully suspect the Land and Sea Shows to be cancelled too.. They have them in more than one place, like West Palm, NYC and San Diego. Maybe even cancel some training exercises since that cost money for them to PRETEND to be prepared for battle..
Just a blurb that should inflame the conscience of the taxpaying masses.
I suggest to those in power: Get real with it or get the F out of the decision making process NOW.
I want the budget in every department in the land to be gone through line by line. Govt. workers need to justify the existence of their jobs and we need to have tighter standards for deliverables and other performance criteria. (Median wage of $76,000/yr for govt. employees) I have had enough.. Balance you books and give me a good accounting once and for all. Stop looking at the bottom rung of the ladder to eliminate waste. The bottom rung folks are the only ones doing anything. The Administrators are sucking the life out of the system and contibuting so little to the equation. It takes a lot less furlough days to make the necessary budgetary cuts when you take out the $100,000/year plus workers that contribute so little per dollar in the first place.
Rant on..
Oh yeah, while your at, stop sponsoring NASCAR. Again that is entertainment for the masses. Leave that to the way left uber rich Hollywood machine..
Oh yeah, while your at, stop sponsoring NASCAR. Again that is entertainment for the masses. Leave that to the way left uber rich Hollywood machine..

It will never again be a government FOR the people and BY the people untill we stop partisan bickering, get together as Americans and tell them enmass we're done w/this BULLSH!T...:time:
You all should listen to Rand Paul and Marco Rubio speeches at CPAC today. The future of America is dependent on good men like this doing the right thing by our nation. Tea Party endorsed leaders with good hearts and minds. Men who are not part of the new world order or the Bilderbergers. men who will stand up for our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We are going down the path of progressive socialists who will destroy our nation and are controlled by big government progressives in collusion with their elite wealthy cronies who control what we see for news and what we hear from them.
We need truth, Rand Paul is telling Americans the truth. Sometimes it is tough to hear it.
We need to help these people who are willing to lead and follow the Constitution.
They Are Back!

Well it took a year to bring them back. McDill had their Airfest this past weekend and showcased the Thunderbirds. Yup, not even a full year on the ground. I guess the dems had to conceed that the grounding wasn't medically necessary.. Just party politics, much like closing the Memorials in the capital. It Backfired again, but succeeded in shifting the focus away from a failed presidency. Policy makers look more like the buffoons they are. The Impotent bully.
Inflict the most amount of pain is what the democrats were telling their department heads. Nice way to speak about the people.. That be me and you.. Inexcuseable!

FWIW- I just saw back to back to back flight shows. I got my fill for a while.. I gotta say the pilot of the F-22 Raptor must have been tired of listening to the stall alarm on that aircraft. He could hover it like a helicopter, kinards damn sure change the game. Most impressive. Blue Angels are back and they are still BAD!
Thunderbirds are scheduled for Oshkosh this year and an osprey will be performing and on display also.
I caught a good look at the Osprey a while back. They had one stationed in Lakeland for a while. (National Guard) I think I got a picture. One of the coolest if not most costly rigs to operate. Never have seen it underway. Props are incredibly large..
I see them flying between hunter and stewert but never up close it would be nice to see them in an air show setting strutting there stuff. to bad i wont be back to oshkosh this year.