Repower 2!!!!



One last quadruple check. I'm about to buy a used 200hp Johnson for my '83 v-20 cuddy..... Do you think it can handle the 200hp on it??? It's 45min away in storage right now, and I don't really want to drive out there just to check the hull plate! The previous owner says it's only rated to 150hp max, but I see you guys running 175s and 200s on here.

Please let me know your opinions ASAP.

No problem. Your's should be rated for 235.

I'm running a 200hp on my 1988 v20 steplift and the performance is not much better than MJ's with a 175. I am seeing 41 mph top speed (5000rpm) with a 17pitch prop. If you decide you want the engine . . . pay a good OMC mechanic to go through it, before you take it home.
Thanks guys, I went ahead and bought it. It checks out good, and I should get some good use out of it with my limited intentions- putting around Texas lakes.

Besides, the price was right. I'll send pics as soon as I get it installed.
Mine has a 175 on a bracket and is just fine!! I can grab 40 with a light load. I curise about 35 all the time, with no problems. I have a 17 pitch also but I am going to try a 15 as I carry large loads and belive I will make out better? But I will lose out on the top end a little, but who can stay on top end all the time anyway??

if that used johnson is not under warranty you might wanna disconnect auto-oiling system VRO (if it can be done on your model)...heck, i' do it on ANY outboard not under warranty! accu-mix($3.99) helluva lot cheaper than powerhead MY OMC TURNED BOMBARDIER MECHANIC SAYS BEST THING TO DO

anyway...i know you'll be happy with it

The 200 Johnson does have the VRO and he sent me the oil tank and all seems to be working fine, but I went ahead and disconnected it anyway. With my limited use, it's just easier not to worry about it!

Well Guys,

I got the 87 200hp Johnson I picked up from Ebay put on the boat and wired up. We took it to the lake Sunday and backed it in for some testing. It ran so well that we took it off the trailer and ended up spending over an hour running around! All the work was worth it as I now have a running boat! Engine runs smooth through the entire band and idles perfectly.

It's kind of weird- I mean, I've never had a used vehicle/motor kind of thing bolt on and work out so well. I was expecting a carb rebuild or some crap like that but.... Even the prop that came with it seems to be right on the money. This frickin' thing hauls the mail.  ;D Speedo wasn't working quite right, but I'm borrowing my buddy's GPS for my next run.
Thanks guys. I borrowed my buddy's GPS, and I'm heading out this afternoon to see what the number's look like ;D

I finally get it running and now it's getting cool again. Should be in the low 80's today ;)