Raised the Motor...

Since hangin' the Honda, she been kickin' up too much spray...finally raised it, lost most of spray and added MPH!...got 'er up to 42 this afternoon at WOT...best top end ever... ;D
After raising the motor numbers are:


4400 is where I wanna cruise as V-Tec kicks in at 4500 and uses a little more fuel...

Still feel motor can go up one more notch cause still getting a little spray...gonna be rainin' this week...can't work, so I'll have time to play w/it ;D./..We'll raise it another notch and if it doesn't blow out on turns and outta the hole, that's where she'll live... :D
Sounds like she's dialing-in nicely, RAP.

Just curious, where are you getting spray, from the sides while running, a little roostertail in the wake, or somewhere else?
Thanks, guys...the spray is shooting in a V from the front of the motor's lower unit...prior to raising it was quite a lot of water...now it's just a small stream...I'm almost willing to live w/it, but if raising it one more notch will eliminate the streams and maybe add a little performance without blowin' out, then I gotta at least try ...

The prop remains the frustrating part...these numbers are w/a Mercury Mirage 15 1/2" dia. x 17 pitch...GREAT, but it's a heavy prop and causes lower unit noise(rattlin') at idle speed(trollin') and sloppy feel to shifter...these problems go away with a smaller(lighter) prop....next try is a Honda prop; 14 3/4 x 18...the hope is this one will get the numbers w/out the problems....17 pitch Honda got nowhere near those numbers....

Probably more than you wanted to hear, but there it is... :D
RAP - not to mention that every notch you move that motor up allows you to operate in skinnier water too.

Sounds like some good numbers.

Hey, speaking of raisin the motor, I finally took both of those 140hp Johnson's off that I lovingly refer to as "the burden" whilst in tandem. I bought that fixed position jackplate I been looking at and hung the better of the two motors on it. The motor is a 25" shaft, so I needed to go 5 inches higher due to my 20" transom.

Here's the jackplate I bought:

P.S. Anybody interested in a 1989 counter-rotating 140hp johnson w/stainless prop that needs a solenoid and possibly a starter for a goooood price. Its already on a pallet and needs YOU to load it on your truck ;D

Yeah, Blue...I'll raise it "to da moon" as long as she BITES...higher the better for several reasons and skinny water is one of 'em... :D

I thought about a jack-plate like yours, but figgered I'd eliminate all I could get from the transom first...looks like I'm gonna get it... ;)

Got a buddy w/a 23' GW runnin' twin 140 Johnnies...I'll ask him if he's got any interest in your motor... :)