Outdrive Replacement


New member
Currently have a 1990 20' V-20 CC that's in good condition and engine runs strong. 3.7/165 horsepower.
Replaced many parts over the years with the help of this site. (Bildge pump, fuse box, gauges, fuel sensor) (This I Thank everyone for)
Additional larger parts were replaced by my marina.
Here's the question:
Outdrive is 1.84 needs replacement has a small hole in it. I believe motor and outdrive are all original.
I was quoted/est. from my local marina who has treated me good over the years the following:
New 1.84 SLI outdrive $1,800 with 3 year warranty.
Shipping est. $275.00
Complete installation $1,000
Total Estimate cost $3,075 plus tax.
Should I be looking at any other options? Your comments please.

Thank you in advance

personally I think their installation cost is a bit high unless theres more to it that explained. I've used SEI outdrives and lower units in the past. I had a 50% failure rate with them. They took care if it, but I still had to pay shipping and eat the labor, so I lost money on every one that had a failure. I haven't used one in about 10 years, so they may have gotten better. I had better luck with OBR or mercury factory reman( my only choice on Bravo outdrives)
I bought a SEI lower unit, haven't had any trouble with it so far. Its easy to replace, you can save yourself a lot of money by doing it yourself. Unit was under a thousand dollars, only took a couple of hours to replace. Just use all new gaskets and o rings. If you are replacing the upper and lower, it would be a good time to replace the bellows while you're right there. make sure to use the correct glue on the bellows and orient the hose clamps correctly. Youtube can be a big help! I've been buying parts from Ebasicpower, they have good stuff and ship fast.
Not to hijack this thread - just a quick note since the Political forum doesn’t show new posts - I posted some comments about reducing heat loss from houses that might be of some interest to you guys in cold winters than areas. It’s under “Thanks Biden”