New Suzuki 200 hp four stroke

Anyone have any experience with them? Thinking of pulling the trigger, but I have zero experience with fly by wire controls and the weight scares me.
I've worked on a few of them, no real issues. AS far as DTS controls, Suzuki has the most affordable. They have a bit more power than the Yamaha 200. Merc is the best in class at that hp level
What***8217;s the weight difference between Suzuki and what u have now?

Don't know. Have to look up the stats. Right now I have a 1993 Mercury 2 stroke 200 HP' Nothing wrong with it, just thinking about the age and the fuel consumption.

That's an older picture. The prop is stainless now and the bimini is now a hard cover with rocket launcher on the back and Raymarine radar in front. All covered for the winter.
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That 2 smoker will weigh in around 435ish. All the current 4 cylinder 200 hp 4 strokesweigh in 510-535 depending on options
Destroyer, what are you going to do with your old mercury? I might be interested in it. I love the 2 strokes and I have a 1988 150 now. Let me know.
That***8217;s a 6 cylinder too I think.
What are you going to do with your old motor? Let me know , I’m interested in it. I love the older motors. I have one.

Still not sure on pulling the trigger on buying a new engine. But if I do I'll give you first shot at mine. (BTW, it's a very special engine. Several years ago I bought an aftermarket electronic unit and removed the plastic oil metering gear that was causing all these engines to break due to no oil, so no need to mix the oil and gas). Best $400 conversion you could give these engines.

if anyone is interested, I've got a buddy in Charleston that's stepping his customer up from a 250 to a 300 Suzuki. 2024 model, 80 hours, rigging included. 19K, still under warranty, still on the boat.
Destroyer, I disconnected the oil injection system on my 150 mercury but I have to mix the oil and gas you say you disconnected the oil injection system and DON T have to pre mix it.? How does that work? So you have an oil tank?
I just reread your post. So you have an electronic injection system. The problem I see with that is that it can still fail. When I mix the gas and oil there is nothing that can fail. An$ it’s very easy to mix. I have a 5 gallon gas can and add 13 oz of oil. Easy peasy
What I use to get the gas into the tank is a liquid transfer pump ( works great) from harbor freight.