the plastic drive gears have several reasons to go out, sitting for long periods of time is probably the #1 reason. Apparently, the plastic gear sticks to the drive gear if left in place for a long tiem, the fisrt time you crank it up, it starts wearing the plastic gear, then by naot being run for a while, there isn't any lube on the gear that makes it wear more. We saw a lot of these on sport jet packages, they would get used in the spring, left alon for the reat of the season, then started again next spring, usually with some one revving the cold engine up to try and keep it running with the carbs stopped up. The next most common failure on the plastic gear was from the coupler that connects the shaft to the pump, there were about four years of prduction that the gear would swell up and stick itself, casuing the plastic gear to strip out. When I replace the plastic gear, I always replace the coupler as well. I had one guy that ran his engine hot(real hot), it was on a new mercury repower power head, it got so hot, it caused the gear to fail, his saving grace was it was still running on double oil for break in, as far as I know, that engine is still running( we changed it to premix after I told him his warranty had just expired due to abuse). It still suprises me that the after market hasn't come up with a brass replacement gear for the plastic one. The only time I will run oil injection for myself, is if the engine was recently rebuilt, and the gear was replaced, my 200 has the oil system disconected, if I ever go inot it, I might hook it back up. But there is still other reasons for the system to fail, those clear hoses that get brittle is probably the #1 reason.