Hammer's transom Rebuild

Well guys, I promised I would knock out the transom today. Well, remember I worked all night and just got home. So I did the best I could for being up for over 24 hours. I started off the day removing some more decals.


I then started removing the rub rail.


Well after staring at the transom that seemed like a life time, I finally picked a spot, marked it out and started cutting.


Splash well removed.


rotted wood. :-/


Splash well.


Inner skin grinded out along the edges and removed.


Was disapointed to see that Wellcraft pieced in the transom with several pieces. I'm hoping to insert full pieces for strenght. Is this what everyone does ??


Inner Skin removed.

Running out of steam and the beer was getting warm. Tried getting all the wood out, decided I would do the rest another day.

Last Pic. :-*

Good first day Mike 8) As far as the transom in three pieces I think this is how they compensated for the curve. I'm not sure of the best way to match the curve of the transom. My plan was to epoxy (3) 1/2 inch sheets of plywood individually to the transom skin and pull it tight with screws and wood washers, then do the next 2 layers the same way till I got my 1 1/2. I figure thats the best way to get the curve. Then again I never did a boat transom before and my project V went to the crusher so take my advice lightly ::)
Mulv. Thats what I planned on doing as well, except I thought about running or cutting grooves into the plywood so it would bend easier. Plus toss in some filler to help fill the voids when bending her in shape.

Thanks for the Feed back.  ;)
Hammer, I am thoroughly impressed...out there bustin' tail on a boat that ain't your main squeeze and here it is 90 outside and humid as hell ;D

Keep up the good work and hey, nice pix ;D
Thanks guys. It was a killer today with the heat. And doing this by myself made me think twice about everything. Now lets see if I can put it back together.  :-/     ;)

I remember seeing Stink with the chain saw. I guess he was going to pour in Seacast ??? ???
I was about to do the same, but the cost was alot, plus I had concerns about raising it to a 25: transom and coming up with a way to make a false skin for it to bond to.
That's what I'm talking bout big guy, BALLS OUT DESTRUCTION!!! Love it, I should have waited to take vacation and come help and learn. DAMN fine Job there!!!
You've inspired me! Wifey says she'll kill me but, I think I'm going to unbarry the v I found and redo her over the next 28 years till retirment.
Hammer, I wouldn't cut grooves. The plywood will bend find to the curve of the transom. Cutting grooves isn't needed and you'll never get it filled evenly. Just seems like extra work with no chance of being stronger, but a slight chance of being weaker?

Now I know who to get when mine needs a transom repair. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D

Good job HAMMER, I can't wait till my doctor totally releases me from my neck surgery,
Then I can get back to donig heavy work and not just this puttering sh!t.

I am hoping that a few things come together for me as planned,
and if they do, I will be using seacast.
Parishht, I think Stink was gonna use Seacast, since he was sawing out the transom. I think its good stuff, I didnt use it because I had concerns about its strenght above the outter skin since I was raising the transom 5".
I dont know how SKOOL does it. Its for sure a two man job pulling out the splash well.
Chesapeak: I wanna see Picks of that project V. Sounds scary and exciting.  ;D ;D ;D
Thanks AIR and CY. Going out to Home Dpot to look at the wod that SKOOL said to get. Maybe go with 3/4 or with 1/2 as Mulv stated. Not sure just yet.

Today I gotta get the rest of the rotted would out and start grinding away at the fiberglass as to where i will be reglassing and patching

I plan on screwing each piece, but should I use just good deck treated screws or should I use stainless.  ???
hey hamster i can see wanting to do it right but if yer just gonna turn this one over do it quick and dump it.
whater ya killin yerself fer?

is that a speidel watchband?
I'm home.  ;D ichy as hell to. :-/
Didnt get as much as I wanted to get done today. The heat was kicking my a$$ and geting the plywood off the transom was a pain. DOnt know how SKOOL does it, power chissel  ??? ??? ???. I had putty knives, hammer, pry bar along with my $" grinder, trying to get every bit of wood off the transom. But I finally got it done. ;D

Still have alot more prep work to do, before putting in the wood. Want to get all the grinding out of teh way once and for all. The weekend is suposed to be super hot as well.  :-/

measuring the transom thickness.

Inside skin with all the wood "Finally" removed.


Hey somebody buy this project V, but without the hardtop. oops, I mean without the trailer. Damm, I'm starting to sound like Charlie. LOL. ;D ;D ;D ;D