Can yall believe.....

That this woman married ME?  :o


Stink, it's obvious that she saw through your goofy a$$ self to find the fine human being that you are. ;D

Damn that sounded gay

That's great man! Congratulations to you and the Mrs.

Marriage certainly has its challenges, but the blessings overshadow them all. I just celebrated my 12th anniversary last month. I thank the Lord for my bride and I'm glad you're still showing signs of being happily married as well. May the Lord bless you and keep you together all the days of your lives.

Some guys enjoy the single life, but not me. I couldn't wait to get married and now I couldn't imagine life unmarried.
I with BGA. Not technically married but have been happily living with the same lady for 21 years. Can't imagine being single... well... sometimes just for a moment when I look Willy's eternal thread.
C YENSEN said:
10 years? she looks awful young to me? how old were you two when you got married?

She was 16 and I 19. 8)

We are now 26 and 29. :)

Young I know, but we knew it was real...prayed for her for a long time. When I met her I knew she was to be my wife. God is good. 8)

I took her too get her drivers permit, license and taught her how to drive stick too!! :D

Get em young and train em right is my motto!!!! :D
If I remember correctly, she is a member of this forum.

Congrats SH. My bride and I will celebrate 17 years on May.........uh.........uh.........uh.............

In May.
Quite frankly Stink, in answer to your question NO :)

So you got a 16 year old and you taught her to handle a stick did ya. Were you on a lonely back country road, no one around, sun setting on a warm quite evening?
And the car was an automatic ;D
She was 16 and I 19. Cool

We are now 26 and 29. Smiley

Young I know, but we knew it was real...prayed for her for a long time. When I met her I knew she was to be my wife. God is good. Cool

I took her too get her drivers permit, license and taught her how to drive stick too!!

Today you would be a sex offender!! ;)

Good for you!!

I am like Tuna, never married but just celebrated are 26th year toghter with to almost grown kids (20 & 17)