Bogging down at higher speed

150 1988 Mercury outboard, I was going out Sunday and my boat ran great for about five minutes than at higher RPMs it bogged down, I fuel up at a gas station that closed up after I fueled up, but might have sucked up crap , maybe, so I changed the water seperator and no water that I could see than I changed the inline fuel filter there was black stuff in it but not to much but not a little too, on the in line fuel filter one end is flared out, does that flared end facing the bottom of the motor or does it point toward the top? Thanks
I don't know, I did not look at it , next time I go out I will, if it sucks in what does that mean, if it's normal than what does that mean?
Ball should be full and firm. Just trying to get an idea fuel is getting to motor. I could usually tell when my fuel pump was getting weak when motor would die while trolling. Does it do it every time or hit or miss.
150 1988 Mercury outboard, I was going out Sunday and my boat ran great for about five minutes than at higher RPMs it bogged down, I fuel up at a gas station that closed up after I fueled up, but might have sucked up crap , maybe, so I changed the water seperator and no water that I could see than I changed the inline fuel filter there was black stuff in it but not to much but not a little too, on the in line fuel filter one end is flared out, does that flared end facing the bottom of the motor or does it point toward the top? Thanks

Inline filters normally have an arrow on them pointing in the direction of the fuel flow. Black crap sounds like Ethanol eating your fuel lines and gumming up your carb jets. :head:
Destroyer, don't you just love this ethanol gas,,,, hell no , I have a question, if the fuel filter is backwards would it still work? And the last time I changed the inline fuel filter was years ago I don't even remember but it's new now ,both filters are new now at idle revved up she still sounds good I have to take her out to see if that was the problem
Destroyer, don't you just love this ethanol gas,,,, hell no , I have a question, if the fuel filter is backwards would it still work? And the last time I changed the inline fuel filter was years ago I don't even remember but it's new now ,both filters are new now at idle revved up she still sounds good I have to take her out to see if that was the problem

Short answer.. Yes, since the gas MUST pass thru the filter material it will still work if you put it in backwards. (As long as you leave it in that position for it's life you will have no problems. The problem comes when you remove it to replace a fuel line or work on the engine or whatever. Then, if you put it back reversed from where it was, any crap that it caught will now be forced out by the fuel running thru it and make a bee line straight for your carbs. Hence the reason for the guide arrow so you always have it placed in the same direction..

PS.. and speaking of Ethanol in gasoline. The Gas companies and the Ethanol lobby are trying to force E15 on us now in a big way. It's important that everyone do three things.
One, check the pump where you fill up and make sure the sticker on the pump says E10. If you put E15 in your tank you void your warranty.
Two Write your congressman and tell them you don't want E15, that' it's not needed and they should stop it.
Three. Tell your Congressman and senators that you don't want Ethanol in your gas at all. There is a much better substitute (isobutanol) that has all of Ethanol's pro's with none of it's cons. It doesn't attract water, it doesn't cause gas to separate and it doesn't eat rubber items/ Oh, and it costs less to make, less to transport and has a higher energy rating than Ethanol.

For more information go here:
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Destroyer that's interesting but you and me know that it all comes own to money, the politicians only care about how they can get elected, and deal making and money, there should be reg, gas with no ethanol available to use, it's all about money that stuff caused so much damage I'm sure you know that, I will contact my congressman and tell him about the problem with the gas . We will see what happens , I just hope my boat runs good next time out
Is non-ethanol an option in NJ?

2 weeks ago i filled it with 90 octane non- ethanol (80 cents more a gallon). Pulled the whaler on a 180 mile trip. Got 17 mpg. Filled up with 87 octane E10, did the same trip with boat next weekend, got 12 mpg.
Little known fact when you buy a car or truck its mpg is estimated on pure non ethanol gas, so the mpg you see you will never actually achieve unless you run non ethanol fuel.
I guess we are lucky down here, non-ethanol is available at many stations.

Dirty (all) Politicians go with whoever lines their pockets with cash, the only way we will ever change the way it works is to vote out every incumbent every time...but they have that covered too, pitting us against one another so we vote for one party or another.
Is non-ethanol an option in NJ?

2 weeks ago i filled it with 90 octane non- ethanol (80 cents more a gallon). Pulled the whaler on a 180 mile trip. Got 17 mpg. Filled up with 87 octane E10, did the same trip with boat next weekend, got 12 mpg.

Hi Phat.

1) No, non-Ethanol gas is NOT available in NJ. I've gotten writers cramp over the years trying to get our assemblymen and the Governor to allow it.

2) Non-Ethanol gas has a higher energy content so yes, you'll see an increase in performance.

3) Oh, by the way... if you (everyone) does the research, you'll find that non-ethanol gas actually costs LESS to make than Ethanol gas. The gas companies know they have us over a barrel so they charge more for it. And that reduced cost does NOT factor in the costs of making the Ethanol, which adds even more to the cost of a gallon. It does factor in the cost of transporting the Ethanol though. (Ethanol cannot be blended in and transported through the pipelines because of phase separation and because of the damage it would cause to the pipelines. They KNOW it damages aluminum and yet they still force that $hit on us!!!! So the Ethanol has to be transported by tanker trucks and then blended in just before delivery to the pumps. Bastards!!!!
Up date, I went out Sunday, ran the boat for five minutes and it's not right, loses power,bogs down at mid to high speed, the ball is firm, the one thing I did not mention,didn't think it would have caused it is that I told you guys I ran over a whale and when that happened I turned around and that's when all this started to happen maybe just a coincidence? I did change two fuel filters I'm thinking stator or carb ? But how do you check them?
Well I dropped off my boat at the mechanic, what will he find that's wrong? I will let you know. I dropped it off at Morgan marine in parlin nj
, anyone ever go There?
Hey guys I told you I would keep you updated, my mechanic looked at it and saw that a wire going to the stator was cut by the flywheel , so I came to the conclusion that when I or should I say the whale hit Me caused the wire to jump in the way of the flywheel case closed I hope