Banged up prop


Junior Member
Hey guys need some advice. I banged up my prop a bit coming in at low tide yesterday and I was wondering if I could still run it that way it is or if I should just get another one. I am just running out to live line and slow troll. The one blade is bent some but the rest just got chipped.


Get a new one and look around to see what it costs to straighten that one out (if possible) and use as a spare.
Thanks guys, I would like to go with stainless but I have been stocking up on trolling gear and I don't think my pocketbook can handle a new stainless this year.
I just had one done and they charged me $75 and I would not run on that prop as its not good for the gears. I think a bent prop is one of those things that some people can get away without ever fixing and some people pay the price for not getting it fixed.
A bent or damaged prop, even if it just a little dinged may be out of balance...Running out of balance stresses the lower unit propshaft wearing the seals and bearings, a little at a time, until one day it won't work right any more, the shop advises a rebuild or complete lower unit........=$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Fix the small stuff before it can become the big stuff......Most of the Propeller shops that I deal with have an abundant supply of used and re-built stainless props at fraction of the cost of new, and they will allow some swap back and forth until you get one that fits for you...Repairs on a dinged up stainless are relativly inexpensive and if done by a good shop will perform like new......

Never tust you life, or your boat,to second class equipment if you can avoid it...
Had it been stainless, then he'd be replacing more than a prop. My theory has always been to stay aluminum if I am running in shallows or rocky areas.
I have heard that too Boatnluvr. Aluminum will give whereas stainless will not as easily. Thus, with aluminum you get a severely boogered prop if you hit something, but less (if any) damage to the gearcase.
Stainless for me as well.

I've dented my SS prop a few times, nothing major just a few dents here and there. An aluminum prop would have been destroyed or badly damaged like that one.
Thanks guys, I would like to go with stainless but I have been stocking up on trolling gear and I don't think my pocketbook can handle a new stainless this year.

Find a used one. I saw one at a marine styled swap meet I was 2 seconds too late for,...another guy paid 10.oo for it.

Also prop shops sometimes have reworked ones the owner never picked up.
By all means tho',...stainless is the way to go.