And the threat of nuclear war continues


While President Biden and Putin recently set nuc limitations, China’s pressing ahead to line up with Russia and our country with a “ triad of nuclear war capabilities” Chinas also pressing g ahead with their space based nuc’s so as to be able to rain them down in a war.

Ughhh… the Cold War died down, so did the nuc race, but it’s ramped back up again and where does it end ? The MAD policy was good enough but now not good enough.

Beautiful planet earth….just before humans a global garden with someone dangerous creatures but not bad as us
While President Biden and Putin recently set nuc limitations, China’s pressing ahead to line up with Russia and our country with a “ triad of nuclear war capabilities” Chinas also pressing g ahead with their space based nuc’s so as to be able to rain them down in a war.

Ughhh… the Cold War died down, so did the nuc race, but it’s ramped back up again and where does it end ? The MAD policy was good enough but now not good enough.

Beautiful planet earth….just before humans a global garden with someone dangerous creatures but not bad as us

Funny that the threat of nuc war and the cold war never surfaced while President Trump was in office. But in just over a year under Biden and his senile blathering gobbledygook actions and stumbling sentences the Triad now seems to think that nothing will happen to them.

Funny that the threat of nuc war and the cold war never surfaced while President Trump was in office. But in just over a year under Biden and his senile blathering gobbledygook actions and stumbling sentences the Triad now seems to think that nothing will happen to them.


Wrong again destroyer …..actually the “ doomsday clock” advanced under the lying cheating con man traitor trump
Well, that’s an OPINION piece if one was ever written. Written by people, who may have a good understanding of some kinds of science, but right down near zero understanding of negotiation.

A point that you, bgreene, don’t seem to apprehend is that Trump, while unpleasant in many ways, probably had more actual, real world executive experience than all of the presidents of our lifetimes, combined - unquestionably more business experience. He actually knows how to get things done and got a lot of remarkable things done, in spite of being dishonestly harassed by despicable political hack Democrats and blocked persistently by lawsuits and congressional gridlock.

We pretty much all love fishing and the outdoors, so there are varying degrees of agreement about some of his environmental decisions, but just about everything he did improved the world political situation, e.g. Middle East progress, North Korea, etc., massive improvement in the economy and in-migration of jobs, in spite of media lies that he is a racist, the LOWEST black unemployment in HISTORY, got a vaccine (that you strongly advocate) developed with amazing speed (and Biden and other lying, despicable Democrats said was no good because it was Trump vaccine) - the list goes on. Obama, by comparison had the unmitigated ego to run for the office with a resume lacking executive experience that would qualify him to manage a gas station. Trump actually did an outstanding job.

There looks to be an increased risk of catastrophic war, but it’s down to Biden’s slobbering weakness and incompetence, not to anything Trump did.
Your link to an OPINION piece and billing it as PROOF, demonstrates the degree of your incompetence and why your OPINIONS are discounted by rational people. You don’t know what a FACT is.
The risk of Nuclear War is of course an opinion based on data such as
Increased human aggressions and many other factors .

The FACT is YES the “Doomsday Clock” was pushed closer to “ midnight “ during Trumps Presidency .

Question was asked and I provided the answer .

Scook - you’re so wound up about being right you miss the point that’s clearly defined.
Try to calm down
You are a text book example of “projection”. That’s where you project your problems onto others - it is you who is obsessed with being right and have only snarky, clumsy responses to other opinions, or being shown to be wrong in your extreme bias.
The risk of Nuclear War is of course an opinion based on data such as
Increased human aggressions and many other factors .

The FACT is YES the “Doomsday Clock” was pushed closer to “ midnight “ during Trumps Presidency .

Question was asked and I provided the answer .
You provided AN answer, based on some people’s opinions. Your answer is certainly not a knowable fact and I, along with many others, disagree with it.
You provided AN answer, based on some people’s opinions. Your answer is certainly not a knowable fact and I, along with many others, disagree with it.

Well good for you ….. another denial by virtue of labeling as “ opinion”.
1 + 1 = 2 except of course if trump says no you followers will agree.
Just observing things things as they have happened and are happening now - not exclusively seeking out opinions that only agree with a biased anti-Trump agenda.

I’m not a follower of Trump, I just recognize his strong points along with his weaknesses - that he was the most competent, experienced and effective executive we’ve had in our lifetimes. That’s opposed to being a “follower” of dishonest, biased news sources that feed a mindless confirmation bias - that would be you.
Scook ….still crying that MAJOR American NEWS that report the TRUTH and FACTS ARE dishonest when reporting news that doesn’t favor Trump .

Still whining …and whining
You just can’t help repeating and reinforcing your obnoxious, dishonest snarky blather.

“ obnoxious, dishonest snarky blather” says scookie up to a full head of steam now…
Now firing a full barrage of insults as the LAW closes in on Trump.

There you go again - out of control.

Hhahahah.......those are the words YOU WROTE TO ME.......

Oh I get it.....this FACT is an opinion.......just because you wrote those comments to me doesn't mean bla bla bla......

Trump to prison 2022