Step, My lousy 2 cents, I think you need maybe 40# leader line (Fluro) when fishing for Blacks and I use 25# braid for my line. The line has to be something that would take a little rubbing against structure. I'm not a Black sharpie, but I listened to, at the time the old timers when I was young, watched how they fished and as I got older, added a few things of my own. Here's a tip, if you are catching all shorts, move to a different spot, large tog don't like the smaller fish, they don't like all the competition and with black fish, patience is needed. Maybe another hint, the less hardware. no three way's. I tie my line to a very small Tsunami barrel swivel, I tie my only hook about 6 inches above the sinker and put the sinker in a loop, so the only metal is the small swivel, less things to get caught on, but as I said, that's my lousy opinion. Some picture of what I use for them. If you feel like I'm telling you what to do, I'm not really doing that, just sharing what little I know. If you feel I'm over stepping, please let me know. I'm sure other Tog fishermen/women have much better ways and they will probably tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. But it works for me - Sorry for the long story GOOD LUCK while this weather holds out.