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  • J
    I see you have the same engine I do in my 1990 V-20. I've got to change over to the new style system like you have but I'm having a difficult time determining if I need the 90 amp. fuse. Sierra's info isn't real clear to me. They say the fuse is required on "engines with the Delco starter" (round solenoid mounted to starter) and those using Prestolite starters with remote solenoid don't require the fuse. Do you know if they're referring to the round solenoid that's part of the starter whose function is to throw the fork in the starter to engage the bendix or are they talking about the starter slave solenoid that has 4 terminals on it, 2 large and 2 small mounted just above the voltage regulator on the block. I'd really appreciate any input you might have.
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