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  • Wow that sounds pretty cool! My wife and I bought a 2nd home on the lake and kinda struggling to get down there lately. Sort of like I struggle to get on the V20 site anymore! lol Good to hear you are doing well! I emailed Oz he should be able to login now.
    was trying to find the pics of the transducer thru-hull mount - new on here and prolly poking around in the wrong place
    I'm allright, my car is fine, didn't even scratch my bumper, but i crunched the back end of a dodge, the lady was trying to cross three lanes instead of merging in the merge lane, she kept pulling fwd and stopping, the last time she pulled fwd and was halfway out of the lane, I looked to the left to make sure traffic was clear and started pulling fwd to go ahead, when I looked straight ahead, she had stopped and it was too late to stop, crunch! I didn't get a ticket, but I was listed at fault
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