I'd Always admired the V-Step20 growing up and working in boatyards around Florida. Last year I bought a fixer-upper that of course needed a lot more fixing than planned.... and that project continues (I've been waiting all winter for weather warm enough to cure fiberglass).
Recently (March '05) while looking for parts for the Project Boat I stumbled on another V-Step20 that seemed a deal too good to pass up.... it had everything on it ready to fish including new bimini, front curtains, radio, anchor, lines, life jackets... trailer, everything... for less than half the cost of a new engine.... and figured a running boat in the water is better than a project on a trailer.
If nothing else, the new boat had all the parts I still needed to finish the boat project...
and since they're only a year different (83/84), I could use the New boat as a "blueprint" for the times I've been standing there looking at something broken on the project boat trying to figure out how it was "supposed" to be.
So now I have two!! One to play this spring/summer while the Project Boat continues.